- A unix operating system built using C++
- x86 Kernel
- Filesystem
- PS2 Keyboard + USB Keyboard
- runtime support for: libc, libcpp, libobjc, libjs
- ui function: libui
- simple terminal and some apps
i686 compiler to compile this project
nasm to build the asm file
make pranaOS
to build isomake clean
remove the iso and remove the builded filesmake qemu
build iso and run it
- pranaOS installer to install pranaOS in a local hard drive
- usb support
- contact our discord
- pranaOS is an open-source project you can contribute to it :)
- check out the CONTRIBUTING docs
- Thanks for those who contributed to this project :)
- pranaOS project structure in a clean pdf
thanks for those who stared ⭐ this project and gave a motivation :)
special thanks for those who has contributed and still contributing to this project
NukeWilliams who continously contributed to this project and added usefull things
OliviaCE OlivaCE helped a lot in kernel
evilbat831 Henry worked in libraries, kernel
biggboy021 Chester is working in libraries

pranaOS is licensed under GPL-3.0
you can use the code in your project if you need! :)