Web app to keep track of who is subcribed or unsubscribed to your email list.
Rust, SQLite, Diesel, Tera
Users can update their email preferences with a unique UUID.
This can be obtained from examining the crud.db file. Which is the database file. (idea is you will send that id in their email with a unsubscribe link)
After a user signs up or you insert their record in the database they can then update their subscription preferences at /user/<uuid>
You can currently see the needed env variables in the .cargo/config.toml
DATABASE_URL = "crud.db"
PORT = "8080"
cargo up
go to localhost:8080
to add a new user to your subscription list.
A Docker file and docker-compose.yml file are provided.
Run with docker-compose -f Docker/docker-compose.yml up
the data base file will be in volumes/crud.db
It's a simple email list. SQLite is more than capable of handling it. With sqlite there are no external dependencies. This app can run just about anywhere.
Again this is a simple email list. Transpiling hundreds of lines of Type script to generate a huge front end npm black hole just so someone can click unsubscribe is wasteful.