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Yes, you always wanted to have a Ghosts'n Goblins arcade board at home. First you couldn't get it because your parents somehow did not understand you. Then you grow up and your wife doesn't understand you either. Don't worry, MiST(er) is here to the rescue.
What you get with this is an extremely accurate (allegedly 100% accurate) clone of the original hardware. You will notice differences from MAME if you compare. For instance, on Ghosts'n Goblins try resetting it and compare those screens for a start! Original hardware handled sound and graphics in a different way from the emulator. There were delays in CPU bus access and other details that will make the experience different from an emulator.
I hope you will have as much fun with it as I had it while making it!
In chronological order:
- Vulgus (doc/jtvulgus.txt)
- Higemaru (doc/jthige.txt)
- 1942 (doc/jt1942.txt)
- Commando (doc/jtcommando.txt)
- Ghosts'n Goblins (doc/jtgng.txt)
- SectionZ (doc/jtsectionz.txt)
- GunSmoke (doc/jtgunsmoke.txt)
- Legendary Wings (doc/jtsectionz.txt)
- Trojan (doc/jttrojan.txt)
- 1943 (doc/jt1943.txt)
- Black Tiger (doc/jtbtiger.txt)
- Side Arms (doc/jtsarms.txt)
- Tiger Road (doc/jttora.txt)
- F1-Dream (doc/jtf1dream.txt)
- Bionic Commando (doc/jtbiocom.txt)
- Street Fighter (doc/jtsf.txt)
Game | 6809 | Z80 | 68000 | MCU | YM2203 | YM2151 | YM2149 | MSM5205 |
1942 | X | X | ||||||
1943 | X | X | X | |||||
Bionic Commando | X | X | X | X | ||||
Black Tiger | X | X | X | X | ||||
Commando | X | X | X | |||||
F1-Dream | X | X | X | X | X | |||
Ghosts'n Goblins | X | X | X | X | ||||
Gun Smoke | X | X | X | |||||
Higemaru | X | X | ||||||
Legendary Wings | X | X | X | |||||
Section Z | X | X | X | |||||
Street Fighter | X | X | X | X | X | |||
Tiger Road | X | X | X | X | X | |||
Trojan | X | X | X | |||||
Vulgus | X | X |
If you have in-game problems, please read the text file specific to that core. Sometimes it's just that the games has more buttons than you think.
F1-Dream and Black Tiger are using an IP for the MCU that does not synthesize correctly at 48MHz because of a setup timing violation. Using the clock enable signal to operate it seems to remove the problem. Ideally, the IP should be edited to increase its frequency performance.
How to continue the game: many CAPCOM games of this era require to hold the fire button while pressing 1P to continue the game.
On MiSTer keyboard control is configured through the OSD.
For MiST and MiSTer: games can be controlled with both game pads and keyboard. The keyboard follows the same layout as MAME's default.
F3 Game reset
P Pause (in some games, you can disable the credits screen by pressing 1P)
1,2 1P, 2P start buttons
5,6 Left and right coin inputs
cursors 1P direction
CTRL 1P button 1
ALT 1P button 2
space 1P button 3
R,F,G,D 2P direction
Q,S,A 2P buttons 3,2 and 1
F7 Turn character layer on/off
F8 Turn second background layer on/off
F9 Turn first background layer on/off
F10 Turn object (sprite) layer on/off
Each core in the releases folder continues files for linux and windows to generate the ROM file starting from a MAME set. Follow the instructions of that file. There are also MRA files available in the rom/mra folder. MRA files are the recommended way. Use the MRA-to-ROM converter from Sebdel if your device does not accept MRA files natively.
For MiST copy the file core.rbf to the SD card at the root directory. Copy also the rom you have generated with the name JTGNG.rom. It will get loaded at start. Make sure to have a recent version of MiST/SiDi firmware.
You can press F12 to bring the OSD menu up. You can turn off music, or sound effects with it. By default, a screen filter makes the screen look closer to an old tube monitor. If you turn it off you will get sharp pixels. Note that if you switch from sharp to soft pixels you will need a couple of seconds to get your eyes used as the brain initially perceives this as an out of focus image compared to the old one.
Original filter for sound (GnG) -high pass filter with cut-off freq. at 1.6Hz -low pass filter with cut-off freq. at 32.3kHz
The FPGA clone uses the following modules:
JT12: For YM2203 sound synthesis. From the same author. JT51: For YM2151 sound synthesis. From the same author. JT5205: For MSM5205 ADPCM sound. From the same author. JTFRAME: A common framework for MiST arcades. From the same author. MC6809 from Greg Miller T80: originally from Daniel Wallner, with edits from Alexey Melnikov (Mister) hybrid_pwm_sd.v copied from FPGAgen source code. Unknown author
Use git clone --recurse-submodules
in order to get all submodules when you clone the repository.
I use linux as my development system. This means that I use many bash scripts, environment variables and symbolic links. I recommend using linux to compile the cores.
- Linux
- Quartus 13 for MiST/SiDi compilation
- Quartus 17 for MiSTer compilation
- Add the path to quartus_sh to your PATH environment variable if JTCORE cannot automatically find it
- PNG library for Python
Go to the root directory of the repository and execute: source
That will create an alias called jtcore to directory modules/jtframe/bin/jtcore. This is a command line utility that will compile the cores. Like
jtcore gng
will compile Ghosts'n Goblins for MiST.
jtcore gng -mr
will compile it for MiSTer. And -sidi, will compile it for MiST. Support for Xilinx platforms is done by Neurorulez and is done through the GUI. Just check the files inside the cores folder for each game.
Pnce compilation is triggered with jtcore, Quartus qpf and qsf files are created. This files are not part of the repository as they are considered output files, not input.
There is another script called that will run jtcore over all supported cores in parallel.
model/gng/hdl/ replica of original PCB schematics model/gng/ver/ simulation files for original PCB modules files shared by several games and external files modules/mist doc documents related to original PCB doc/74 74' series data sheets rom script to convert from MAME rom files to the required format simulation files expect the rom files here cores/gng/ MiST board version of Ghosts'n Goblins. Latest core version is located in this folder and called core.rbf cores/gng/hdl Verilog files of the clone for MiST cores/gng/doc documents related to MiST clone or MiST hardware cores/gng/quartus project to synthesize the clone cores/gng/ver simulation files of MiST clone
cores/1942 MiST board version of 1942 arcade game cores/1942/hdl Verilog files of the clone for MiST cores/1942/zxuno files for ZX-UNO version cores/1942/mist Quartus files for MiST version
cores/1943 MiST board version of 1943 arcade game cores/1943/hdl Verilog files of the clone for MiST cores/1943/mist Quartus files for MiST version etc.
The top level module is called jtgng_mist. This is the module that is really dependent on the board. If you want to port jtgng to a different FPGA board you will need to modify this file. Most other files will likely stay the same
The game itself in module jtgng_game. It is written using an arbitrary clock (active on positive edge) and a clock enable signal (switching on the negative edge). From jtgng_game down the hierarchy, everything should be highly portable.
The video output is a 256x256 screen. That is what you get from jtgng_game in a signal format that replicates the original hardware. jtgng_mist instantiates a module called jtgng_vga that converts the image to a standard VGA resolution without losing frame speed.
Jose Tejada Gomez. Twitter @topapate Project is hosted in License: GPL3, you are obligued to publish your code if you use mine
Special thanks to Greg Miller, Bruno Silva and Alexey Melnikov
Thank you all!
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