This is a brief summary of programming naming conventions and notes about how I use them.
- lower_snake_case -- filenames, Python variable / function names
- Upper_Snake_Case
- SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE -- Python constant names
- _private_snake_case -- Python private variable / function names
- _dunder_ (aka _double_underscore_) -- Python reserved names
Default: When someone says snake case, they are commonly referring to lower snake case.
aka kebab-case, lisp-case, caterpillar-case
- lower-spinal-case -- Javascript filenames, CSS class / id names
- Train-Case
Default: When someone says spinal case, they are commonly referring to lower spinal case.
- lowerCamelCase -- Javascript variable / function / attribute names
- UpperCamelCase (aka StudlyCaps) -- Python class / exception names, Javascript constructor funtion names
Default: When someone says camel case, they are commonly referring to lower camel case.
I don't know of a commonly used word to describe this word compression technique.
- lowercompactcase
- UPPERCOMPACTCASE -- Javascript global variables
Filetypes: *.py, *.yaml, *.yml
Filetypes: *.html, *.css, *.js, *.json, *.jade, *.scss, *.sass, *.less, *.styl
Convention: file-name.plugin-name-ver.sion.min.ext
- filename.ext is the core, all other elements optional
- All lower case - no camelCase (universal compatibility)
- Scarce or no underscore usage
- Push two words together if easy to read, i.e. scrollspy.js