Streamify is a simple Distributed Video Streaming Platform written in Python and uses Kafka
Using Apache Kafka as the messaging broker and Flask as the web server. The codebase consists of two main components: a producer that captures video frames and publishes them to a Kafka topic, and a consumer that consumes these frames and streams them to a web client.
- Streams video from a camera or a video file to a web client.
- Uses Apache Kafka for messaging, providing scalability and fault tolerance.
- Utilizes Flask, a lightweight web framework, for serving the video stream to clients.
- Supports real-time video streaming with minimal latency.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have Apache Kafka installed and running on your system. You can download Kafka from the official website and follow the instructions for setup.
To publish video frames to Kafka, run the producer script
. You can specify a video file as an argument or omit it to capture video from a camera.
python <path to video file(optional)>
To consume video frames from Kafka and stream them to a web client, run the consumer script This will start a Flask server that serves the video stream.
Once the consumer is running, you can access the video stream by navigating to http://localhost:8000/video_feed in your web browser.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Special thanks to the developers of Apache Kafka, Flask, and OpenCV for providing the tools and libraries that make this project possible.