Simple Test project(s) using Shiro
The branches contain various experiments:
minimalSSOWithCache - Contains only a custom SessionDAO implementation (MySesssionDAOToDisk). Shiro is configured to use Ehcache for caching.
skunkworks - Contains attempts to store various objects in the Shiro session.
master - Contains custom Cache and CacheManager implementations in addition to SessionDAO implementations that can store to disk or in memory.
- To deploy to a local running tomcat 6 instance, make the following changes:
Add a server block to .m2/settings.xml:
<servers> ... <server> <id>mylocalserver</id> <username>tomcat</username> <password>tomcat</password> </server>
Add user/perms in tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml:
<role rolename="tomcat"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui,manager-script,manager-jmx,manager-status"/>
Deploy to the local tomcat 6 instance using:
mvn clean package tomcat6:redeploy
The apps will be available at:
You can launch a locally installed tomcat with remote debugging enabled on port 8000 using:
apache-tomcat-6.0.35$ bin/ jpda start
Once deployed, you can login to each webapp with uid: admin, pwd: secret (see cacheImpl/src/main/resources/shiro.ini).
I'm also experimenting with publishing the maven site for this project on github gh-pages. See: wagon-scm -> Deploying your Maven site to GitHub's gh-pages. Doh! It looks like that approach is doomed:
Let's try this instead: Well, that example, if run with the default user.home dir in shown in Maven Multi Module Configuration could end up deleting your entire local home directory and overwriting your git source code tree with the maven web site files. Ick. Don't try that either.
OK, here's another approach: Well, that was closer, and at least not destructive, but still no joy.
How about Kathryn's plugin: Oops, looks like Stephens gitsite fork is more recent/active: See Instructions.
The resulting site is available here:
*** NOTE: The wagon-gitsite
approach is basicaly deprecated in favor of: maven-scm-publish-plugin