This project aims to implement a OneRoster compliant RESTful API webserver in GO with a MongoDB backing for persistance
A detailed overview of the OneRoster specification can be found on the OneRoster site , including:
- filtering
- data structures
- endpoints
- JSON bindings
This API server attempts to extend the oneroster spec by allowing updating/insert/upserting/PUT content to all endpoints rather than just providing a read/GET interface for data.
Assisting this project is a collection of open tools for syncing to and from various 3rd party SIS/MIS/systems
Credential Management:
With more to come. Further community support is welcome and encouraged.
Pre-build binaries for windows and linux x64 are available in the releases section as well as a pre-built docker image is available:
docker pull
Start up the api server with either envs or flags
goors \
-k "mySecretKey" \
-a "HS256" \
-m "mongodb://" \
-p "443"
Import data using the sis sync tool or by making POST requests.
# login
token=$(curl "" \
-d "clientid=$ci&clientsecret=$cs")
# Remove quotes from token
# Upsert user id 1
curl "" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $t"
-d '{"sourcedId": "1", "status": "active", "givenName": "bob"}'
# Get all users
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $t"
# login
$args = @{
uri = ""
method = "POST"
body = @{ "clientid" = $ci; "clientsecret" = $cs }
$t = Invoke-RestMethod @args
# Upsert user id 1
$upsert = @{
uri = "
method = "PUT"
headers = @{ "authorization" = "bearer $t"}
body = "{""sourcedId"": ""1"", ""status"": ""active"", ""givenName"": ""bob""}"
Invoke-RestMethod @upsert
$getUsers = @{
uri = ""
headers = @{ "authorization" = "bearer $t" }
FollowRelLink = $true
Invoke-RestMethod @getUsers
Listed are all the currently supported endpoints. Details of the fields supported/output by these endpoints can be found on the OneRoster API docs
POST /login
GET /orgs
GET /orgs/{id}
PUT /orgs/{id}
GET /academicSessions
GET /academicSessions/{id}
PUT /academicSessions/{id}
GET /courses
GET /courses/{id}
PUT /courses/{id}
GET /classes
GET /classes/{id}
PUT /classes
GET /enrollments
GET /enrollments/{id}
PUT /enrollments/{id}
GET /users
GET /users/{id}
PUT /users/{id}
PUT /users/{id}/userIds/{subId}
- Connect to SQL database
- Read from Conf.hcl
- Build DB handler
- Connect packages
- Output from DB
- Output JSON
- Output correct json from single endpoint sample
- Implement RESTful parameters & operators
- Implement logging
- Implement error handling
- Implement security
- Build core endpoints
- Sync DB
- Build extra endpoints
- Test test test