pytunes analyzes ID3 metadata of your MP3 files and generates M3U playlists so you can stream your music with an HLS-compatible media player over the internet.
Set up your Raspberry Pi device with balenaOS in production mode and bring it online on the balenaCloud dashboard by following the getting started guide.
Open a terminal on your local computer and type:
# clone repository git clone # change directory cd pytunes # generate database password cp .env.template .env && echo "$(date | md5sum | head -c 32)" >> .env # register first user htpasswd -c .htpasswd <username> # register another user # htpasswd .htpasswd <another username> # deploy to balenaCloud balena push <fleet name>
Please be patient. It might take a couple of minutes until deployment is complete.
You should see a log line in your balenaCloud dashboard once pytunes has started successfully:
INFO: Application startup complete.
Add your public SSH key to balenaCloud by following the SSH access guide.
Determine your
by typing:balena whoami
Determine your
by typing:balena fleet <fleet name> --fields=id
Copy an MP3 file from your local computer to your Raspberry Pi (
refers to the first 7 characters of yourBALENA_DEVICE_UUID
):scp -P 22222 track.mp3 <balena-username>@<short-uuid>.local:/var/lib/docker/volumes/<APP ID>_pytunes-data/_data/
Alternatively you can also use an SFTP client of your choice like FileZilla.
pytunes will automatically start processing MP3 files as soon as they have been received.
You should see a log line in your balenaCloud dashboard once an MP3 file has been processed successfully:
21:01:35 default: Job OK (a9e5765b-f1f8-4dc6-8ecd-166a2e21f6d1)
Expose your Raspberry Pi to the internet by switching on public device URL.
Install an HLS-compatible media player of your choice like VLC:
Open network stream in VLC: