mrAro is a website muncher for Linux. It feeds on Markdown text files, digest them through PHP templates and "produces" steaming hot, fully formed webpages.
mrAro includes a drag-and-drop menu manager, a text editor with markdown live preview and a simple caching system.
To install, pick a folder on your server and clone the repo from GitHub:
cd /www/mysite-folder
git clone .
Then go to the folder mra/admin and run the init script:
cd mra/admin
This will create:
- the content folder with a couple of example pages
- the settings files (mra.conf and menu.conf)
- an empty cache directory (mra/tmp)
Make sure that the server's PHP has permission to write in content and mra/tmp.
Edit the hidden file mra/.creds, keeping the first line for your username and the second one for your password. By default it looks like this:
You must tell your server to deny access to hidden files from the outside (or at least to the .creds file). To do that, follow the instructions here.
The template and CSS are located in the mra/theme/default folder. To edit the theme, first make a copy of the default folder.
cp mra/theme/default mra/theme/my-theme
Then in mra/mra.conf, edit the theme line replacing default by the name of your new theme (here my-theme).
mrAro comes packaged with the following programs:
- The PHP port of Markdown
- pagedown (minified)
- nativesortable (minified)
mrAro and its dependencies, as far as I can tell, are released under the MIT License.