This folder contains code and some experiment results which serve as an Anex to the Thesis "Algorithm Design for the Distributed Average Consensus Problem over IoT Environments".
The most relevant code can be found in:
- /02_DesignedAlgorithm/02_HardwareImplementation/01_Unicast/01_Run_Files
- /02_DesignedAlgorithm/02_HardwareImplementation/02_Multicast/01_Run_Files
The files in these folders contains all the necessary to run the designed algorithm to solve the distributed average consensus problem over the Internet. All this is possible thanks to the FiT IoT Laboratory, which is a very large scale open testbed (please see Nodes from 4 cities of France are used, so it is a real environment with all the unfriedly phenomena.
You need the following to run the files:
- Install NodeJs and some modules
- Instal Python and some libraries
- To have access to the testbed with a remote terminal
After that, just tun the file:
- "IoTLab_run.js"
More information is available in the "README.txt" of these folders to change some parameters.
The remaining content serves as a support of the Thesis.