Revised versions 1.0 by WLW(Try to trasnlate the origin text of QPandaSDK in English).
Q-Panda SDK is an open source Quantum Software Development Kit based on Quantum Cloud Service launched by the Origin Quantum Computing Company. The user can develop a quantum program executed in the cloud based on this development kit. Q-Panda use the C++ language as the classical host language and supports the quantum language written in QRunes.
Currently, Q-Panda supports up to 32-qubits simulations. It supports two modes of operation: local simulation and cloud simulation. Q-Panda provides an executable command-line program that controls the loading, running and readout of the quantum program. Additionally, Q-panda SDK provides a set of APIs for users to customize the required function.
QRunes is a quantum computing instruction set developed by the Origin Quantum computing company.
See details in QRunes Introduction
The QRunes Generator is a C++ library that supports the generation of QRunes instructions as function calls.
See details in QRunes Generator Introduction