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Official PyTorch implementation of paper Sketch2Model: View-Aware 3D Modeling from Single Free-Hand Sketches
, presented at CVPR 2021. The code framework is adapted from this CycleGAN repository.
git clone --recursive
- Python>=3.6
- PyTorch>=1.5
- install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- build and install Soft Rasterizer:
cd SoftRas; python install
- Download
here, and extract toload/
└───shapenet-synthetic /
│ 02691156/
│ ... ...
- Train on airplane:
python --name exp-airplane --class_id 02691156
You may specify arguments listed in options/
and options/
. Saved meshes are named with the corresponding (ground truth or predicted) viewpoints in format e[elevation]a[azimuth]
. pred
in the filename indicates predicted viewpoint, otherwise the viewpoint is ground truth value (or user-specified when inference, see the Inference section below).
Supported classes:
02691156 Airplane
02828884 Bench
02933112 Cabinet
02958343 Car
03001627 Chair
03211117 Display
03636649 Lamp
03691459 Loudspeaker
04090263 Rifle
04256520 Sofa
04379243 Table
04401088 Telephone
04530566 Watercraft
- Test on ShapeNet-Synthetic testset:
python --name [experiment name] --class_id [class id] --test_split test
- To test on our ShapeNet-Sketch dataset, you need to first download
here and extract toload/
, then
python --name [experiment name] --class_id [class id] --dataset_mode shapenet_sketch --dataset_root load/shapenet-sketch
About file structures of our ShapeNet-Sketch dataset, please see the dataset definition in data/
You can generate a 3D mesh from a given sketch image (black background, white strokes) with predicted viewpoint:
python --name [experiment name] --class_id [class id] --image_path [path/to/sketch]
or with specified viewpoint:
python --name [experiment name] --class_id [class id] --image_path [path/to/sketch] --view [elevation] [azimuth]
Note that elevation is in range [-20, 40], and azimuth is in range [-180, 180]. We provide some example sketches used in the paper in load/inference
We provide pretrained weights for all the 13 classes, and weights trained with domain adaptation for 6 of them (airplane, bench, car, chair, rifle, sofa, table). You can download
here and extract to checkpoints/
└───... ...
Note that the code and data for domain adaptation are not contained in this repository. You may implement yourself according to the description in the original paper.
title={Sketch2Model: View-Aware 3D Modeling from Single Free-Hand Sketches},
author={Zhang, Song-Hai and Guo, Yuan-Chen and Gu, Qing-Wen},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
If you have any questions about the implementation or the paper, please feel free to open an issue or contact me at [email protected].