The project was made by strictly following a design brief. The code has been written for a screensize of 1920 x 1080. The main goal of the project was showing off my creativity through micro animations, and focus mainly on the SVG which connects those 4 boxes.
For bonus, I have added animations through the whole website, and applied hover effects on anchor links, buttons, and the Card components.
I have used Greensock animation library from npm as gsap-trial, which included extra plugins such as DrawSVGPlugin which currently only available for Club Members. For that reason this landing page only can run in local environment or CodePen.
- React JS
- GSAP from GreenSock
1. Open Terminal and run the following scripts
2. `git clone`
3. `cd ./into/the/path/to/the/directory/where/it/was/saved`
4. `npm install` will install all dependencies
5. `npm start``
This will start the project on your local machine on http://localhost:3000