ServiceReviewReports is used to automatically upload ConnectWise Automate reports to a mapped network share.
It will copy all files created that day, and not already uploaded, from the specified report path to the remote path.
- clone repo
- edit ConfigSetup.ps1 and run
- edit
in serviceDeliveryReports.ps1 - edit
in ServiceReportTransfer.psm1 - edit
in remoteCreds.ps1 and run - OPTIONAL: edit ServiceReportTransfer.ps1 eventlog write
- OPTIONAL: edit serviceDeliveryReports.psm1
To install, first clone the repo locally:
git clone
Then edit the "ConfigSetup.ps1" file. Items declared are:
Module Path
Direct path to serviceDeliveryReports.psd1 module
Report Path
Root directory containing Automate reports
Replace Criteria
Normally automated reports have additional information to client name. For example, ours are "CLIENT - Monthly Packs". The string in here will be replaced and the remainder used to determine Client Names.
Install Root
Directory where you have cloned this to
Remote Root
Directory where you want to upload files to
Used to track failures in each run. Do not edit. Even if you do it'll get overwritten anyway
Cred Path
Used to specify where you'll save remote credentials to. For more information on this see example 3 in the below technet article:
Used to specify a temp drive letter. The creds provided will be used to temporarily make a drive with this letter to allow for the transfer. Sadly, even though the cmdlets used have a -credential param it doesn't work and this seems to be only way I could find to automate the process entirely.
Then run to generate the config.xml file:
Then update the top of serviceDeliveryReports.psm1 and ServiceReportTransfer.ps1 to point to the config file
$ConfigFileLocation = "Your path goes here"
Then do the same in remoteCreds.ps1 and run the file. This will prompt you for credentials. These credentials will be used to connect to the remote root and perform file transfers.
Change the event log write in ServiceReportTransfer.ps1 to be accurate to your environment:
# Finally, check if any files failed to move
if ([int]$config.failures -gt 0) {
# Check if event source already exists
$Exists = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("ServiceReportTransfer")
if ($Exists -eq $False) {
New-EventLog -LogName "Application" -Source "ServiceReportTransfer"
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "ServiceReportTransfer" -EventId 401 `
-EntryType Error -Message "One or more service reports failed to transfer successfully to the K drive."
Finally, edit returnFormattedFileName
under serviceDeliveryReports.psm1 if required. This is used to remove auto-generated values placed into the filename by ConnectWise Automate.
# function to return a reformatted file name
function returnFormattedFileName() {
# Get the original file name
$OriginalFileName = $OriginalFile.Name
# Try to match junk at the start
$Pattern = '.* - '
$NewName = $OriginalFileName -replace $Pattern,""
return $NewName
When run manually this will create, in the specified remote root, the following folder structure:
-- Client
--- Month-Day
---- Files
For example:
- 2019
-- Client A
--- 01-12
---- HelloWorld.xt
-- Client B
-- 01-12
---- HelloWorld.txt
If you want a regular transfer of files, the recommended approach is to setup a scheduled task as a user with access to the report directory, but use remoteCreds to store the remote user credentials.
Log files are also created in a flat structure of dd-MM-yy under installRoot\Logs:
- installRoot
-- Logs
--- 15-08-2019.txt
With content similar to below:
9:24:23 - FATAL - Log file created
9:24:23 - INFO - Unable to find files for transfer under ClientA
9:24:23 - INFO - Found 2 files under ClientB to transfer
9:24:23 - TRACE - 2019 \ ClientB \ 08-15 folder created
9:24:23 - INFO - ClientB \ Hello.txt successfully moved to remote
9:24:23 - ERROR - Error while trying to move Z:\ReportDeliveries\ClientB - Monthly Pack\Adhoc\Hello2.txt :
9:24:23 - ERROR - Error while trying to move Z:\ReportDeliveries\ClientB - Monthly Pack\Adhoc\Hello2.txt :
9:24:23 - ERROR - Second rename and move failed: aborting move
9:24:23 - ERROR - ClientB \ Hello2.txt unable to be moved to remote destination
If the file being copied exists locally or remotely the program attempts to rename it, and append -hh-mm-ss to the end to make it unique. If any files failed to be moved then an event is written to the eventlog.
If you are using this to move ConnectWise Automate reports, then you can quite easily setup an event log monitor so you are notified of any failures. I haven't used other RMM Platforms, but I'm sure they'll have some capability to monitor event logs.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.