Convert an Instruments file into the Gecko Profile Format for use in Firefox Profiler (example).
Usage: gecko [OPTIONS]
Convert Instruments Trace to Gecko Format (Firefox Profiler)
-i, --input PATH Input Instruments Trace
--app TEXT Name of app to match the dSyms to (e.g. YourApp)
--run INT Which run within the trace file to analyze
-o, --output PATH Output Path for gecko profile
-h, --help Show this message and exit
Note: XCode 14.3 Beta or higher is required
Example Command
# Build executable jar
./gradlew shadowJar
# Convert Instruments trace to Gecko on the second run within the trace file
java -jar ./build/libs/instruments-to-gecko.jar --input example.trace --run 2 --app YourApp --output examplestandalone.json.gz