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My first repository for the final project of the Harvard CS50 course which includes a full-stack web application

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Project name: Financial Tracker


This project was created for the final lesson of Harvard University's CS50 course. Throughout my aim was to create a webapp that tracks the change of savings in a persons life.

The webapp is hosted on pythonanywhere and you can reach it via this link:

I have also containerized the webapp using Docker. The docker image is reachable on my docker hub: Under "Running containerized version" you can find a brief description about how to run the image locally on your pc.

App Structure:

├── CS50_final_project
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── static
│ │ ├── highlight_current.js
│ │ ├── picture.ico
│ ├── templates
│ │ ├── admin.html
│ │ ├── layout.html
│ │ ├── login.html
│ │ ├── main_page.html
│ │ ├── registers.html
│ │ ├── reports.html
│ │ ├── transactions.html

Tech Stack:

Flask Framework



To use this app one should register using a username and a password. There are prerequisites for both the username and the password and in case they are not met the webapp displays an error message to the user. For the username one should only use numbers or letters meanwhile the password must containt at least 8 characters in which at least there is one uppercase letter and a number.

The webapp currently consists of 4 pages which are the homepage, transactions, reports and admin


After logging in you are redirected to the homepage where you can see your current balance of the different kind of assets. These are updated as you deposit or withdraw from your account.


On the transactions tab you can perfrom two kind of transactions which are depositing or withdrawing from your account. After choosing the transaction type you also have to choose a possession type that you want to modify.

NOTE that currently the webapp only supports USD currency!


On this tab you can see all of the transactions that the currently logged in user made in the past.


This is a special tab where you can delete from all of the users that have registered before. You can only access this tab if you have admin rights. There is a preregistered admin user for the webapp. The credentials for this user are the following: Username: admin Password: admin

The user can log out from the webapp with the Log Out button situated in the right corner.

Running containerized version

Prerequisites: Docker installed on your PC (

  1. If you have succesfully installed Docker all you need to do is navigate to my docker hub profile where the image is located:

  2. From here you should you use "docker pull bencej/finance_tracker:0.0.1.RELEASE" (without quotation marks) in your terminal to pull the image from the hub to your PC. After succesfully pulling the image it will appear under the Images tab of Docker Desktop.

  3. In the Images tab look for "bencej/finance_tracker" image and click on "Run" below "Actions". On the popup window click "Optional settings" and under "Ports" type 3000. This will create a container which runs the webapp on your PC on port 3000.

  4. The webapp is now reachable on localhost:3000 or

  5. If you want to stop the container from running, you can do it by navigating to the Containers tab of the Docker Desktop app and simply click "Stop" under "Actions". After this the webapp is no longer reachable.

NOTE: You don't have to create a container in the "Images" tab everytime you run the app. After running it once you can simply launch it again from "Containers" tab by clicking "Run" under "Action".

Structure of the webapp

Financie Tracker is written mainly in Python using Flask framework. It also contains a little bit of Javascript as well.

For the database it uses SQLite3 which is a relational database.

To use the app you need specific tables that the webapp handles.

The contains the main functions that the webapp operates with. All of the functions that are called using the navbar are located in this file.

The contains smaller function that are called in the file.

The highlight_current.js contains a javascript function to highlight the current tab on the navbar.

There are other supporting files as well such as the html files.

Future Development

Currently there is a plan to make a new tab called "Budget" and a currency selector. The home page dashboard could be improved with some diagrams.

Struggles / Summary

Given the fact the the Flask framework, Javascript and SQLite is completely new to me most of the time I had to use the documentations to connect the dots. I believe that I learnt a lot of new technologies and solutions throughout this project. Before starting CS50 I could have never imagined that I will be able to create something like this from scratch. I am eager to learn new technologies and continue my path to be a full-time developer one day.


My first repository for the final project of the Harvard CS50 course which includes a full-stack web application







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