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This repository contains code to reproduce ablation experiments presented in:

Generative Modeling Helps Weak Supervision (and Vice Versa)
Benedikt Boecking, Nicholas Roberts, Willie Neiswanger, Stefano Ermon, Frederic Sala, Artur Dubrawski
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) (2023)
[arXiv] [OpenReview]

With the code in this repository, a weakly supervised GAN (WSGAN) can be trained on weakly supervised images, using a StyleGAN2 model as its base network. The WSGAN, which consists of a GAN and a label model, is trained on image datasets where some of the images have one or more labeling function (LF) votes associated that output weak labels, following the programmatic weak supervision/data programming paradigm. The code for the main experiments presented in the paper above, where a simple DCGAN is used as the base network, can be found at

The StyleWSGAN model in this repository is based on StyleGAN2-ADA and its offical pytorch implementation provided by NVIDIA, which is available at StyleGAN2-ADA was proposed in:

Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Limited Data
Tero Karras, Miika Aittala, Janne Hellsten, Samuli Laine, Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila


This repository retains the requirements of the original StyleGAN2-ADA implementation. Please refer to the original repository for details:

Compared to StyleGAN2-ADA, this repository only requires the addition of torchmetrics (which could be removed quite easily if you desire to do so).

The file contains an example to set up an environment which worked on our system.

Preparing datasets

Datasets are stored as uncompressed ZIP archives containing: uncompressed PNG files, labeling function outputs as txt files (for each image), and a metadata file dataset.json for labels. LFs are assumed to output labels in {0,1,...C} where C is the number of classes and 0 denotes that an LF abstains from casting a vote. The code currently assumes that ground truth labels are available so that performance can be monitored.

The script uses torchvision datasets.


Create a CIFAR10 ZIP archive with LFs used in our WSGAN paper. CIFAR10 will be downloaded if it is not found where --data_path points to.

# CIFAR10-B subset created for the WSGAN paper
python --dataset CIFAR10-B --dest_root ~/datasets/ --data_path ~/downloads/cifar/
# CIFAR10-lownoise subset created for the WSGAN paper ablations
python --dataset CIFAR10-lownoise --dest_root ~/datasets/ --data_path ~/downloads//cifar/


First, download all 10 scene categories from the LSUN project page. Then, ensure that you have the lmdb Python package installed (e.g. pip install lmdb). Run the following command to create the LSUN ZIP archive with LFs:

python --dataset LSUN --dest_root ~/datasets/ --data_path ~/downloads/lsun/raw

Training a network from scratch

The following is an example command to train a new StyleWSGAN network from scratch on a weakly supervised lsun subset. Don't forget to update the paths:

python --outdir=/mypath/training-runs --data=~/datasets/style/datasets/ --gpus=4 --cfg=lsun256 --cond=1

Or on a weakly supervised CIFAR10 subset

python --outdir=/mypath/training-runs --data=~/datasets/style/datasets/ --gpus=2 --cfg=cifar --cond=1

If you are using a different dataset, you can largely follow StyleGAN2-ADA recommendations for new parameters. However, note that the embed_features argument is extremely important for the stability of StyleWSGAN's training dynamics, and is set lower than in StyleGAN2-ADA. Please also note that we disable style mixing and path length regularization in the experiments reported in our WSGAN paper.


Copyright © 2021, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

StyleWSGAN is derivative work. To the best of our ability, it is made available in accordance with, and under the original Nvidia Source Code License.


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