C++ code for validating and scoring solutions to the Kaggle holiday competition Packing Santa's Sleigh.
The code uses the Thrust library and thus can be compiled for OpenMP, TBB or CUDA backends, making it very fast on multicore CPUs and Nvidia GPUs.
Methods are provided for efficiently validating and scoring a solution. The validation routines check that:
- there are the correct number of presents,
- all presents lie within the sleigh boundaries,
- all presents have the correct dimensions, and
- no presents intersect each other.
The code was developed and tested only on an Ubuntu system. Compiling on other operating systems will likely require some additional work.
The code requires the Thrust header library, and optionally the CUDA toolkit (which includes a compatible version of Thrust).
To build the code:
Edit Makefile.inc to match your system configuration
$ make
To test the code:
$ make test
There are two classes:
- SantaProblem, which stores the dimensions of each present, and
- SantaSolution, which stores the min/max coords of each present in a solution,
along with two driver programs:
- check_solution, which reads .csv files and prints out validation and score information, and
- unit_tests, which performs unit tests on the two classes.
For example:
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./bin/check_solution_omp presents.csv mysubmissionfile.csv
Load time = 2.78873 s
Validating solution
Validation time = 0.518001 s
= 1.9305 Hz
Evaluating solution
Evaluation time = 0.080871 s
= 12.3654 Hz
SCORE: 5270836
Ben Barsdell
benbarsdell at gmail