Ti.Security.JailBroken allows you to determine if the iOS device your app is running upon is jailbroken or not.
This is only for iOS.
- You need Titanium 7.4.0.GA or greater.
- This module has only been tested on iOS11+
- You must be running iOS 11 or greater
- You must be using Ti SDK 7.4.0.GA or greater
- Compiled modulle available at dist folder
- Install the TTi.Security.JailBroken module. If you need help here is a "How To" guide.
- You can now use the module via the commonJS require method, example shown below.
//Add the core module into your project
var mod = require('Ti.Security.JailBroken');
Now we have the module installed and avoid in our project we can start to use the components, see the feature guide below for details.
The module contains only four methods. The goal is to keep the function of this module narrow.
Indicates if the device is jailbroken
Method returns true or false
var mod = require('Ti.Security.JailBroken');
var broken = visits.isJailBroken();
console.log("Device is jail broken " + (broken)? "Yes" : "No");
This project is licensed under the OSI approved Apache Public License (version 2). For details please see the license associated with each project.
Developed by Ben Bahrenburg available on twitter @bencoding
Please consider following the @bencoding Twitter for updates and more about Titanium.
For module updates, Titanium tutorials and more please check out my blog at bencoding.com.