Popular Articles block plugin for OJS 2.4.5 Adapted based on work originally done by Juan Pablo Alperin [email protected]
This plugin for OJS 2 provides a sidebar block with the most popular articles publishes. The plugin works on a per-journal basis.
Update OJS 2.4.5 with the latest patches listed here: http://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=OJS_Recommended_Patches Same requirements as the OJS 2.4.5 core.
- Copy the plugin contents in the plugins/block folder
- place the sidebar block by going to Journal Management > Setup > Step 5 (The Look) and placing the block in the desired location
You can control how many articles are displayed and if only the most recent months are used to determine popularity. You can also define if the statistics used to rank the articles popularity will be mixed or just the journal default metric type will be used. This is useful if you want to consider the old stats (before ojs 2.4.2 version), but also consider the newer statistics data.
Please email the authors for support, bugfixes, or comments.