Purpose | Command |
To Create gitignore file | dotnet new gitignore |
To add diary migration | add-migration CreateDiaryEntryTable |
To comit migrations to database | update-database |
To seed diary migration | add-migration seedingDiary |
To comit migrations to database | update-database |
- Bootstrap URL
- Override the default bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css content with the newly downloaded bootstrap.css
- Replace "bootstrap.min.css" with "bootstrap.css" on Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
- Add
@section Scripts{<partial name="_ValidationScriptsPartial"/>}
to the html - Add
<span asp-validation-for="Title" class="text-danger"></span>
to the form group - To show specific error message add anotation ErrorMessage inside parenthesis
[Required(ErrorMessage ="Please enter a title!")]
in the model