Tmux plugin to monitor upload and download speed of one or all interfaces.
Add one of the following format string to status-right
tmux option.
This plugin is roughly based on the various plugins in
Shows value in either MB/s, KB/s, or B/s.
- Shows only download speed,#{upload_speed}
- Shows only upload speed,#{net_speed}
- Shows both the upload and download speeds. Example: "D: 123 MB/s U: 25 MB/s"
Since this is a difference, the old values are stored in files in /tmp/
. The user must be able to
read and write to this directory.
Set the following options in your .tmux.conf
To change which interfaces to pull from, use a space-separated list. If not set, grabs all the interfaces listed in "/sys/class/net/"
set -g @net_speed_interfaces "eth0 eth1"
To change the formatter sting passed to printf
set -g @download_speed_format "%10s"
set -g @upload_speed_format "%10s"
set -g @net_speed_format "D:%10s U:%10s"
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-net-speed'
Hit prefix + I
to fetch the plugin and source it.
If format strings are added to status-right
, they should now be visible.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone ~/clone/path
Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf
run-shell ~/clone/path/net_speed.tmux
Reload TMUX environment (type this in terminal)
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
If format strings are added to status-right
, they should now be visible.
This plugin stores the total output for all the interfaces in a file in /tmp/
. Therefore, the current user must be able to write and read from that directory.
- Add unit tests
- Add error handling
- Configure which interfaces to calculate
- Configure format string for
- Handle other OSs (currently only supports Linux)