MQTT Humidity, Temperature and Air Preasure Sensor Node based on HOMIE. Support DHT11, DHT22, BME280, SHT30 and SHT31. Optional use esp's deep sleep mode
- Configurable Sensor Type
- Configurable MQTT Publish Interval
- Configurable Deep Sleep
- Configurable threashold to force acyclic sensor reading / publishing (publishKey and publishValue)
- React on $broadcast/wakeup -> seconds, to prevent from going to deep sleep till seconds are gone
- OTA Support (tested with jpmens/homie-ota)
- Generic Sensor Interface to ease implementation of further sensor types
You can update the configuration on-the-fly by publishing incremental JSON updates to $implementation/config/set e.g. homie-dht/xxxxxxxx/$implementation/config/set -> {"settings":{"type":"sht31"}} You can force a factory reset by publishing homie-dht/xxxxxxxx/$implementation/reset -> true Keep the home-dht awake till seconds are gone, e.g. homie-dht/$broadcast/wakeup -> 5
- temperature °C
- heat index °C
- dew point °C
- relative humidtiy
- absolute humidity
- air preasure (if provided by the sensor)
- health state (sensor reading errors)
- homie internals
- DHT11
- DHT22
- BME280
- SHT30
- SHT31
- marvinroger/homie-esp8266
- marvinroger/async-mqtt-client
- me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer
- me-no-dev/ESPAsyncTCP
- bblanchon/ArduinoJson
- thomasfredericks/Bounce2
- adafruit/DHT-sensor-library
- adafruit/Adafruit_Sensor
- adafruit/Adafruit_SHT31
- adafruit/Adafruit_BME280_Library
homie-dht volkszaehler integration (Node-RED)