eliminating needless choice in media consumption
is a web application intended to eliminate the question "Which episode of my favorite show am I going to watch right now?" by the simple expedient of choosing for you.
The minimum viable product will be take as a given that the show in question is Bob's Burgers. A single url (TBD) will, on page load, begin playing a randomly selected episode. Expected controls of the media viewer, e.g. start/stop/fullscreen/cc, will be accessible.
The MVP will require a base container infrastructure.
# a few aliases will help with developing tvtime, and will serve ye well with docker in general. add em to your shell profile. E.g.
echo "alias dc='docker-compose'" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "alias dcr='docker-compose --rm --service-ports run'" >> ~/.zshrc
# the first time you run, or whenever you have unapplied migrations
dcr web django-admin migrate`
# run the test suite
dcr web django-admin run test
# to get a bash shell on the django container
dcr web bash
# to bring up the project s.t. the site is served at localhost:8000
dc up
# view running processes (containers) in docker-compose.yml
dc ps
# stop + remove services and network
dc down
Advanced features and extensions are imagined, though no roadmap is currently implied, nor should the following be taken as priority-ranked.
- user accounts
- anonymous
- OAuth/pwd
- linked streaming accounts
- white/blacklist, favorites
- tracking last/most watched, etc.
- local media selector
- automatic collection of media data (the big effort)