JustifiedGallery is the algorithm part needed to compute a grid of images a la flickr explore page.
In your project
npm install justifiedgallery --save
Since it's an npm module, use it with webpack or browserify
import PhotoGrid from 'justifiedgallery';
let images = [imgMeta1, imgMeta2];
let grid = new PhotoGrid({
// mandatory, in px
minHeight: 150,
maxHeight: 350,
// optional, in px
borderWidth: 2,
// mandatory, this function must return an object
// having width and height properties
getImageMeta: (image) => {
image.width = image.originalDimensions.width;
image.height = image.originalDimensions.height;
return image;
// optional, determine which available version of the original image fits best
filesGetter: (image) => {
// resized images should either be an array of objects having width and height properties
// or a hashmap: {[k: string] : {width: number, height: number}}
// e.g. [{width: 220, height: 100}, {width: 640, height: 480}]
// or {lowQ: {width: 220, height: 100}, medQ: {width: 640, height: 480}}
let resizedImages = image.resizedImages;
return resizedImages;
}, images);
// get grid container width
let containerWidth = document.getElementById("myGridContainer").clientHeight;
// compute rows for the given container width
// rows will be a list of GridRow instances
let rows = grid.getRows(containerWidth);
let row0 = rows[0];
let imagesToShowOnFirstRow = row0.getItems();
So the component should be used with any view framework -> e.g. jQuery, jsx, vanilla js and so on.