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Bram's dotfiles


Install nix with the determinate systems installer:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | \
  sh -s -- install
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init apply bcvanmeurs

This will download the dotfiles to ~/.local/share/chezmoi, as we need the nix-darwin flakes to install the required software.

Install all software and packages:

nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_config/nix-darwin

Post install steps

  • Allow the 1Password cli functionality from the UI.

  • Apply chezmoi

    chezmoi status # check if everything works
    chezmoi apply
  • Change your default shell

    chsh -s $(which fish)
  • Set remote to be through SSH

    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:bcvanmeurs/dotfiles.git
  • Import GPG key

    gpg --import ~/.gnupg/gpg-github-0x7DFB3B93C5B98C91-2024-12-03.asc
    gpg --edit-key 0x7DFB3B93C5B98C91
  • In tmux run prefix + I to install tpm packages.

Choices made

  • Using Age and YubiKeys for encryption (age-plugin-yubikey)
  • SSH keys on YubiKeys with secret part in 1Password
  • Using Nix for packages
  • Using Brew for casks as these seem better maintained



Encryption with age

  1. Follow this to create a key pair:

  2. Encrypt a yaml file in some place (in my example it is in data).

  3. Use Go templating syntax to read and decrypt the file, for example:

    {{- $work := include "data/work.yaml.age" | decrypt | fromYaml -}}
    export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL={{ $work.pip_extra_index_url }}

Encryption with 1Password

{{ onepasswordRead "op://development/id_sk_nano/" }}


  • chezmoi init recreate config
  • chezmoi --refresh-externals update externals

Using chezmoi across multiple machines

  • chezmoi init $GITHUB_USERNAME clones your dotfiles from GitHub into the source directory.
  • chezmoi init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME clones your dotfiles from GitHub into the source directory and runs chezmoi apply.
  • chezmoi update pulls the latest changes from your remote repo and runs chezmoi apply.

Working with templates

  • chezmoi data prints the available template data.
  • chezmoi add --template $FILE adds $FILE as a template.
  • chezmoi chattr +template $FILE makes an existing file a template.
  • chezmoi cat $FILE prints the target contents of $FILE, without changing $FILE.
  • chezmoi execute-template is useful for testing and debugging templates.

Working with scripts

  • chezmoi state delete-bucket --bucket=scriptState to clear the state of run once scripts.

Daily commands

  • chezmoi add $FILE adds $FILE from your home directory to the source directory.
  • chezmoi edit $FILE opens your editor with the file in the source directory that corresponds to $FILE.
  • chezmoi status gives a quick summary of what files would change if you ran chezmoi apply.
  • chezmoi diff shows the changes that chezmoi apply would make to your home directory.
  • chezmoi apply updates your dotfiles from the source directory.
  • chezmoi edit --apply $FILE is like chezmoi edit $FILE but also runs chezmoi apply $FILE afterwards.
  • chezmoi cd opens a subshell in the source directory.


Bram's dotfiles






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