Cloud Foundry allows you to easily deploy your Play! application on Cloud Foundry PaaS. If you bind a Cloud Foundry service to your instance (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL), it will configure your Play DB connection for you.
To use this module, you have to declare it in the dependencies file:
- play
- cloudfoundry -> 0.5
If you work with a MongoDB database, you will have to add a MongoDB module: Mongo or Morphia.
Before deploying the application in Cloud Foundry, you must delete/comment your local DB configuration (db, db.url, morphia, etc.): if a DB config is present, the module will not override it.
- V0.5: cloudfoundry-runtime version upgraded to 0.8.1
- V0.4: Module documentation added.
- V0.3: PostgreSQL support added.
- V0.2: MongoDB support added.
- V0.1: MySQL support.