Hello! Thanks for checking out the repo for my latest portfolio website. This website isn't just my new portfolio, but also a personal project in and of itself. I think I've grown quite a bit as a developer & designer in the past year, so I wanted to create something to showcase some of what I've learned and done.
npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install
gem install jekyll sass bundler jekyll-minifier jekyll-sitemap
gulp serve
to start a dev servergulp build
for prod
- Sublime Text 3 my ride-or-die
- Github Pages for easy push-to-deploy hosting
- Jekyll for a static site generator
- Sass for less time-consuming and more modular CSS
- Bourbon for sass mixins
- Gulp for an automated and enhanced workflow
- Flaticon for images
- Unsplash for stock photos
- Skrollr.js for parallax effects
- Formspree for a simple, sans-PHP contact form
Let me know what you think!