This package provides the SQL dialect for Neo4j, using the official JDBC driver (the Neo4j "BI Connector" )
pip install sqlalchemy-neo4j
- Java 8 / 11
- Download the Neo4j BI Connector
The reason the JAR is not included in the package is due to licensing concerns. I may add the jar into the bundle in the future.
- Add the jar to the classpath, either directly via the
environment variable or while initializing the JVMYou can also use the
environment variable, which will ensure we reuse an existing jpype instance or create a new one ( with default parameters )
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
# This happens automatically if you set the NEOJDBC_WARMUP environment variable
eng = create_engine("neo4j+jdbc://neo4j-neo4j:7687/neo4j?UID=neo4j&PWD=QUOTED_PASSWORD&LogLevel=6&StrictlyUseBoltScheme=false")
execute = engine.execute("select * from Node.YOUR_NODE limit 1")
rows = execute.fetchall()
for row in rows:
See more examples
- Neo4j Metabase Driver - Use Neo4j with Metabase. Use both SQL and Cypher ( the driver uses the same underlying BI connector for SQL queries )
- Add Cypher support
- Add support for Cypher views in JDBC driver
- Add ORM support and testing
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