Only tested on Mac El Captain OS Python 3
To run, you will need the following:
- Python3
- GPy
- Numpy
- Matpolotlib
- Scipy
And if you would like to run on a GPU pycuda *Note: Only works with RBF (SE) Kernels. Functionality may be disabled
Note2: The comments in the code may not be up-to-date with what is actually happening in the script. Will clear up later.
To add more kernels from the GPy framework, go to , edit kernel_list add additional kernels to this list or remove them>
- If using an IDE with tab completion typing Gpy.kern.<press_tab> will show all available kernels
- I've only tested with RBF, StdPeriodic, Matern32, Matern52 and MLP.
- Some kernels may not work with the current framework as is, as some kernels do not have a lengthscale.
To add more datasets, first add your desired dataset to the outer data folder:
Then go to either or (if using 2D starting input) and add an "else if option == <you_define_an_option_name> and add the following:
- data = <import_YOUR_data_function>
- data = data[:,None] % transposes data to a column array
- size_data = size_data(data.shape[0])
- time = np.linspace(0,1,size_data)
For add something like this:
- elif option == 'stock2d':
- stock_no = 13
- data,input2 = sd.get_stock(stock_no,if_2d = True)
- data = data[0:1000][:,None]
- size_data = data.shape[0]
- inputs1 = np.linspace(0,1,size_data)
- inputs2 = input2[0:1000][:,None]
- inputs = np.column_stack((inputs1,inputs2))
Go to or and add to the Options list the name that you defined.
Typically all observed inputs are times, where times is a linearly spaced array between [0,1] and is spaced depending on the size of your data set.
All things are put into to column vector form so that they can be used throughout the script
To run:
- Go to or
- Go to the main function at the bottom of the script
- Edit how many runs you want (no of layers) , the split of your training to test data and edit the options[<insert_Option_list_number>] and Models[<insert_0_or_1>] depending on whehther you want the augmented or single input model
The scrip automatically generates plots for each layer and saves them in ../Plots/<choosen_model>/ it also saves all data that has been gathered and save .csv files for each layer ../Data/<choosen_model>/data_layer_/<choosen_option>