Configuration file for pretty much everthing. Support both Sway & i3wm window manager.
Desktop environment apps:
- Sway, swaylock OR i3-wm, i3lock-color
- zsh with prezto
- alacritty
- arc-gtk-theme, arc-icon-theme
- mako (sway) / dunst (i3)
- feh (i3)
- nautilus
- nm-applet
- waybar (sway) / polybar (i3)
- ranger
- kickoff (sway) / rofi (i3)
- nvim
- xorg-xfd, ttf-unifont, ttf-hack, ttf-font-awesome, awesome-terminal-fonts, siji-git
- xrandr (i3)
Optional but usefull stuff to install: base-devel, docker, gcolor2, gedit, gimp, git, htop, httpie, lm_sensors, meld, most, nvm, openssl, pavucontrol, peek, s-tui, scrot, tig, tmux, vlc
# User config
dotbot -c dotbot.conf.yaml
# global config
cp /usr/local/bin/
cp sway-run /usr/local/bin/sway-run
cp etc/greetd/* /etc/greetd
for rcfile in /usr/lib/prezto/runcoms/^; do\
ln -s "$rcfile" "$HOME/.${rcfile:t}"\
In addition to usual keybinding here is some usefull extra:
Shortcut | Description |
$mod+Ctrl+Left | Switch to previous workspace |
$mod+Ctrl+Right | Switch to next workspace |
$mod+Shift+Return | Open a floating terminal |
$mod+Tab | Open window switcher |
$mod+Shift+s | New ssh connection |
$mod+x | Open a console file manager |
$mod+Shift+x | Open a graphical file manager |