Interface to manipulate elasticsearch by REST API from c++.
git clone [email protected]:bastianhjaeger/elasticpp.git
cd elasticpp
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j8
sudo make install
#include <elasticpp/elasticpp.h>
const bool singleCall = true;
const bool verbose = true;
const std::string sResponse
= elastic_cpp("http://localhost:9200/test", "", "", PUT, singleCall, verbose);
const json jResponse
= elastic_cpp("http://localhost:9200/test", "", json(), PUT);
#include <elasticpp/ElastiCpp.h>
const int verbose = 0;
const int shards = 1;
const int replicas = 1;
const std::string url = "test_index";
ElastiCpp ec("http://localhost:9200/", "user:password");
bool success = ec.createIndex(url, shards, replicas, verbose);
const json response = ec.getIndex(url, verbose);
std::cout << "response: " << response.dump(3) << std::endl;
success = ec.deleteIndex(url, verbose);
// or any randon message/query
const json response2 = ec.send("index_*/_search", R"({"query": {"match_all": {}}})");
Thanks to JSON for Modern C++ (version 3.7.2)