Yet another ZSH theme
Yazt is a simple yet challenging ZSH theme manager that is compatible with nearly everything. You can use prompts in plugins, mix 'n' match two themes, with a few modifications, you can even use it in bash, then even fish. (note: as of May 23, master is not ready. Try using the nix branch instead, which is currently being archived to version 1.0-4 until 1.1 is ready.)
Get the instal script and run it with --synctopc.
./ --synctopc
./ --synctopc
This script moves your zshrc to ~/.zrcs, copys the yaztrc to the same directory, copys a new RC to your rc and makes a file called ~/.zside which handles the enviroment changing.
By default, no themes are added. You can add them yourself using the copy ability.
Using the yazt
command that can be added to your PATH, you can copy themes from GitHub and Gitee.
For example, if a user wanted the a theme called zish (which could be a combination of zsh and fish, sherlock) and had Yazt installed, they would use:
user@host : ~ % yazt -T user/zish
Copying user/zish...
# ...
user@host : ~ % nano .zshrc && zsh
# ...
yazt [-uhvXTP] [--usage] [--help] [--version] [--uninstall] [--theme [THEME]] [--pull]
yazt {-u --usage}
yazt {-h --help}
yazt {-v --version}
yazt {-X --uninstall}
yazt {-T --theme} [user/theme]
yazt {-P --pull}
Note for Bedrock Linux systems: Yazt CLI is a global executable by default, unless you installed it using the deb, then it will belong to Debian/Ubuntu/Devuan/...