This is a Hapi server, backed by MongoDb & Redis, running freely on Openshift for the React-Native mobile app Snowflake.
####You can consider this a "starter server" or a "boilerplate" or maybe just an "example" of how these technologies work together. In any case, I hope there's something here you can learn and apply to your project!
Services | Javascript | noSQL |
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- OpenShift - OpenShift Online is Red Hat's next-generation application hosting platform that makes it easy to run your web applications in the cloud for free.
- Hapi - A rich framework for building applications and services
- MongoDb - MongoDBis an open-source, document database designed for ease of development and scaling.
- Mongoose - elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js
- Redis - Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker.
- Swagger - The World's Most Popular Framework for APIs.
- Jason Web Token JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
- NodeMailer - Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake!
- BlazeMeter -Run massively scalable, open source-based performance tests against all of your apps, from classic web and mobile to microservices and APIs, and validate performance at every software delivery stage.
- JMeter - The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance
Register - When user registers w/ email, username, password, the system sends a email verification. Until the user clicks the link within the email, their Email Verified field is false. When clicked, the field is set to true. The response from Register contains a "Session Token" for subsequent authentication.
Login When the user logs in with their username and password, the sytem responds with a "Session Token".
Log Out When the user logs out, the Session Token is blacklisted using Redis. Every entry point to the server that requires authentication first checks if the Session Toke has already been revoked by checking it's presence in Redis. If present, the request is denied.
Reset Password Once the user provides an Email address, they receive an email with a link that takes them to a form to submit a new password
Profile Once a user is logged in, they can view their profile.
Profile Update A User can modify their username and/or email. If the email address is modified, their Email Verified value is set again to false and a new email is sent to the new address for verification.
OpenShift supports a free NodeJS setup that will scale with web
traffic. This Snowflake Server setup will use MongoDB and Redis.
- This server is using 3 small gears:
- NodeJS (actually at version 4.2.3)
- MongoDB
- Redis
- And a Web Load Balancer
Some commands that you'll want to know about, once you've install the 'rhc' client:
- rhc ssh -a mysnowflake
You can check the performance of your application using the link
The nodeJS server uses Hapi. Hapi was developed and Open Sourced by Walmart Labs. It has been battle tested by Walmart, the largest retailer on earth. I chose it over Express 'cause Hapi is more targeted to API support and it looked interesting.
This server is documented here in its entirety.
Here's some flavor of what Hapi offers. Below is the declarative definition of the /account/login
end point. The payload
is validated here and shows how the username
has a regex expression and is required. The same for the email
. The config
option has the tags, description, notes
that document how the api
is used. The handler
is defined elsewhere. Separating the end point validation and declaration from the implementation cleans up the code.
method: 'POST',
path: '/account/login',
handler: AccountHandlers.loginUser,
config: {
// Include this API in swagger documentation
tags: ['api'],
description: 'A user can login',
notes: 'The user login will return a sessionToken',
validate: {
payload: {
//username required with same regex as client
username: Joi.string().regex(CONFIG.validation.username).required(),
//password required with same regex as client
password: Joi.string().regex(CONFIG.validation.password).required()
Mongodb will host our documents, namely User information, at this time. We'll be using Mongoose for interacting with Mongo within our code.
Once you're ssh'd into Openshift via rhc ssh -a mysnowflake
, you
can use the mongo
Redis is fantastic for key,value pair access. We're using it here for "Black Listing Json Web Tokens". You can read about this concept here
Swagger provides the api documentation - simply augmenting the endpoints generates a page showing all the API access points.
Shown below is the generated API documentation -
NOTE: you can test the APIs directly from the browser with the forms that Swagger provides!
JWT is used in the Authentication as a Session Token. You can read the docs here showing how it's setup.
Using JMeter allowed me to performance test the API. I created a test suite with JMeter as shown below and debugged the script by running locally. Once I was satisfied, I changed the HTTP Request Defaults
and uploaded to BlazeMeter for testing.
Shown below is the script defined in JMeter
BlazeMeter was used to perform the tests as it is much better equipped to host the threads then my personal mac.
The following screens show the results of running 50 concurrent users performing the following actions with a 1 second delay between each action:
- register - Register with username, password, and email
- login - Usename, password sued to login
- restricted access - access a page requiring SessionToken
- profile/account/me - show my profile
- profile/account/{_id} - update the profile defined by _id
Below are the instructions for setting up the server on your local machine. These instructions work fine on the Mac - no promise is made for other OSs.
- Pre-setup step: We are using NodeMailer and if you use a Gmail account, be sure to follow the steps below from
You may need to "Allow Less Secure Apps" in your gmail account (it's all the way at the bottom). You also may need to "Allow access to your Google account"
Install Mongo db
- to start,
sudo mongod
- to start,
Install Redis
- I used Redis 2.18.24, which is what's installed on OpenShift
- down load and unzip
cd redis-2.8.24
cd src/
- Update ip in config file w/ ip from
hapi: {
port: 5000,
ip: ''
- Update Snowflake
w/ same ip from step above Example:
local: {
url: ''
remote: {
url: 'enter your remote url here'
- Then in different terminal, inside mysnowflake,
npm start
Watch the following video to see all the steps to install the Hapi nodes server to Openshift in action:
Create an account at
Install the command line tool
Create a namespace, if you haven't already done so via the web interface
rhc domain create <yournamespace>
- Create a nodejs application with mongodb. The
option is for "Scaling"
rhc app-create mysnowflake nodejs-0.10 mongodb-2.4 -s
Note that if you get an error during this step, most likely it has to do with copying the Openshift GIT repository to your local system. What you can do is to your OpenShift account and use the link they provided for the Source Code. Just
git clone xxx
where xxx is the link you copied from Openshift. -
This next command will load the Redis cartridge
rhc add-cartridge \ \
-a mysnowflake
- These next few steps copy the SnowFlake server to your local Git repository from Openshift.
cd mysnowflake
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
- Copy config.sample.js to config.js and provide values
cp src/config.sample.js src/config.js
- Then push the repo to OpenShift
git push origin master
That's it!!!
You can now checkout your application at: http://mysnowflake-$
If you want to have this project also in your personal GitHub account also, follow these steps but be WARNED: unless you use a "Private" repository, your
will be visible.