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The missing command-line tool for UrBackup Server. It provides valuable insights into the utilization of data, clients' status and activities, and helps administrator to identify, troubleshoot and resolve issues that may arise within the system.


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The missing command-line tool for UrBackup Server. It provides valuable insights into the utilization of data, clients' status and activities, and helps administrator to identify, troubleshoot and resolve issues that may arise within the system.

You have the option to use this Deno application in two ways: either as a self-contained compiled executable or as a script file that runs with Deno.

The following features have been implemented:

  • Utilizes the standard API provided by UrBackup Server, so there is no need to change or install anything on the server.

  • You can choose to run the tool directly on the server or remotely over the network from your workstation.

  • The output can be presented in various formats, and you have the ability to sort data and apply filters as needed.

  • You can execute the tool manually when required, or you can use it with an automated monitoring solution such as Zabbix.

  • Information about all clients, including clients with "OK" or "failed" backup status (as seen in the server web UI).

  • Information about clients without a recent backup (referred to as stale clients), with thresholds that can be configured.

  • Information about clients without any finished backups (blank clients) and clients not seen for a long time (void clients), with a threshold that can be configured.

  • Information about online, offline, and active clients.

  • Information about current, last (finished), and paused activities.

  • Information about storage usage.

  • All information about a selected client can be obtained at once.

Some of the features that are planned for implementation in the future:

  • The ability to query multiple servers simultaneously.

If you have any suggestions for new features that you would like to see in future updates, please don't hesitate to share them with me. Additionally, if you encounter any bugs or issues while using the tool, please report them through GitHub.

Quick demo


Please keep in mind that this demo may represent an older version of urbstat with different command names and options.

Command examples

The examples are detailed and show multiple options with their values. In practice, you can set these values as defaults in the configuration file to make the commands much shorter.

Retrieve the number of clients with failed image backup:

failed-clients --skip-file --format number
failed-clients --skip-file --format number --ask-pass
failed-clients --skip-file --format number --user urbstat

Retrieve clients with a file backup that is older than 24 hours (1440 minutes) since the last backup:

stale-clients --threshold-file 1440 --sort name --format table

Retrieve clients that have not been seen for more than 48 hours (2880 minutes):

void-clients --threshold 2880 --sort name --format table

Retrieve a list containing the names of clients that have not yet completed any backup:

blank-clients --format list

Retrieve the current activity with the longest estimated time of arrival (ETA).:

current-activities --max 1 --sort eta --reverse --format table

Get a table with the last activities of the "office" client sorted by size:

last-activities --client office --sort size --format table

Retrieve the five longest running activities that have been completed:

last-activities --max 5 --sort duration --reverse --format table

Get three clients with biggest storage usage:

usage --format table --sort total --max 3 --reverse


The simplest way to use urbstat is by downloading the executable from the Releases page.

Download this file and make it executable:

chmod u+x urbstat

Create urbstat.conf configuration file (you can use this example file as a baseline) and place it in the same directory with usbstat binary. Then simply run the application:

./urbstat --help

Alternatively, you can run source file with Deno:

deno run --allow-read='urbstat.conf' --allow-net=hostname:port --allow-env='NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS' urbstat.js

deno run --allow-read='urbstat.conf' --allow-net=hostname:port --unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors=hostname urbstat.js


  • You can use this example file as a baseline for your configuration file.

  • Ensure the configuration file is named urbstat.conf and is located in the same directory as the downloaded binary file.

  • If you are not using the default installation (localhost:55414, admin, no password), you must set URBSTAT_SERVER_URL, URBSTAT_SERVER_USERNAME, URBSTAT_SERVER_PASSWORD in the configuration file. Alternatively, username can be passed with --user option and password can be specified interactively at runtime when --ask-pass option is provided. For details, see: urbstat --help.

  • Many settings can also be adjusted at runtime through command-line options. For more information, please refer to urbstat <command> --help.

  • Some defaults are hard-coded as a safety measure in case they are missing from this configuration file. Values provided in the configuration file will override the hard-coded defaults.

  • Make sure configuration file has strict file permissions if you put your password in it.


This changelog starts at version 0.10.0 and includes a selection of significant changes.

Breaking Changes

  • 0.10.0
    • The configuration file name has been changed from .env to urbstat.conf.

Notable Changes

  • 0.11.0

    • Now that deno compile supports npm modules, I switched to using my urbackup-server-api Node.js library.
  • 0.10.0

    • The configuration file name has been changed from .env to urbstat.conf.


You can access the documentation by using the --help option within the application.

Get general help and a list of available commands:

./urbstat --help

Get more help about a specific command and its applicable options:

./urbstat <command> --help

Global Options

-h, --help             - Show this help.
-V, --version          - Show the version number for this program.
--user         <name>  - User name.
--ask-pass             - Ask for connection password.


  • raw-status

    Get raw response of "status" API call. Required rights: status(all). Raw responses cannot be sorted, filtered, etc. Property names and values are left unaltered.

  • raw-activities

    Get raw response of "activities" API call. Required rights: progress(all), lastacts(all). Raw responses cannot be sorted, filtered, etc. Property names and values are left unaltered.

  • raw-usage

    Get raw response of "usage" API call. Required rights: piegraph(all). Raw responses cannot be sorted, filtered, etc. Property names and values are left unaltered.

  • all-clients

    Get all clients. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • ok-clients

    Get OK clients i.e. clients with OK backup status. Backups finished with issues are treated as OK by default. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • failed-clients

    Get failed clients i.e. clients with failed backup status or without a recent backup as configured in UrBackup Server. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • stale-clients

    Get stale clients i.e. clients without a recent backup as configured in urbstat. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE, URBSTAT_THRESHOLD_STALE_FILE, URBSTAT_THRESHOLD_STALE_IMAGE.

  • void-clients

    Get void clients i.e. clients not seen for a long time as configured in urbstat. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered.Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE, URBSTAT_THRESHOLD_VOID_CLIENT.

  • online-clients

    Get online clients. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered.Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • offline-clients

    Get offline clients. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • active-clients

    Get currently active clients. Required rights: status(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered.Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENTS_FORMAT, URBSTAT_CLIENTS_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • current-activities

    Get current activities. Required rights: progress(all), lastacts(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_FORMAT, URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_SORT_CURRENT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • last-activities

    Get last activities. Required rights: progress(all), lastacts(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_FORMAT, URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_SORT_LAST, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • paused-activities

    Get paused activities. Required rights: progress(all), lastacts(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_FORMAT, URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_SORT_CURRENT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • usage

    Get storage usage. Required rights: piegraph(all). If you specify "raw" format then output can not be sorted or filtered and property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_USAGE_FORMAT URBSTAT_USAGE_SORT, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

  • client

    Get all information about one client. Required rights: status(all), progress(all), lastacts(all). If you specify "raw" format then property names/values are left unaltered. Default options are configured with: URBSTAT_CLIENT_FORMAT, URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_SORT_CURRENT, URBSTAT_ACTIVITIES_SORT_LAST, URBSTAT_LOCALE.

Security considerations

  • Avoid using the default admin account if possible. Instead, create a dedicated user through the UrBackup Server web UI and apply the principle of least privilege to that user. To get full functionality of urbstat, you should grant the user all rights in the status, lastacts, progress, and piegraph domains.

  • Deno provides granular control over permissions. To restrict what urbstat can access on your system and network, you can utilize the allow-read and allow-net flags.

  • Deno rejects self-signed certificates by default. If needed, you can use the unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors=hostname option or supply a certificate with the cert ./ca.pem option.

  • You can use --ask-pass option if you don't want to put password in a configuration file.

  • Make sure configuration file has strict file permissions if you put your password in it.

  • urbstat binary is compiled with --allow-read='urbstat.conf' --allow-net --allow-env='NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS' flags.

  • In some scenarios you may want to download and examine the source script, set the connection details within the script, and then compile the script manually.


These first-party modules are utilized by urbstat:

These third-party modules are utilized by urbstat:


MIT License


The missing command-line tool for UrBackup Server. It provides valuable insights into the utilization of data, clients' status and activities, and helps administrator to identify, troubleshoot and resolve issues that may arise within the system.








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