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Re-arranged code generation and type inference, sanitized codegen output
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iatorm committed Nov 5, 2017
1 parent 66a4e76 commit 3d6a77f
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Showing 4 changed files with 150 additions and 135 deletions.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions Codegen.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@

-- Code generation

module Codegen where

import Expr
import Infer

import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as S (null)

-- Convert type to Haskell code
typeToHaskell :: Type -> String
typeToHaskell (TVar name) = name
typeToHaskell (TConc TNum) = "TNum"
typeToHaskell (TConc TChar) = "Char"
typeToHaskell (TConc TNil) = "()"
typeToHaskell (TList t) = "[" ++ typeToHaskell t ++ "]"
typeToHaskell (TPair s t) = "(" ++ typeToHaskell s ++ "," ++ typeToHaskell t ++ ")"
typeToHaskell (TFun s t) = "(" ++ typeToHaskell s ++ " -> " ++ typeToHaskell t ++ ")"

-- Convert typeclass constraint to Haskell code
consToHaskell :: TClass -> Maybe String
consToHaskell con | S.null $ freeVars con = Nothing
consToHaskell (Concrete t) = Just $ "Concrete " ++ typeToHaskell t
consToHaskell (Vect _ _ _ _) = Nothing
consToHaskell (Vect2 _ _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing

-- Convert classed type to Haskell code
cTypeToHaskell :: CType -> String
cTypeToHaskell (CType cons typ)
| cons' <- catMaybes $ map consToHaskell cons =
if null cons'
then typeToHaskell typ
else "(" ++ intercalate "," cons' ++ ") => " ++ typeToHaskell typ

-- Convert expression to Haskell code
expToHaskell :: Exp (Lit CType) -> String
expToHaskell (EVar name) = name
expToHaskell (ELine n) = "line" ++ show n
expToHaskell (ELit (Value name typ)) = "(" ++ name ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
expToHaskell (ELit (Builtin name typ)) = "(func_" ++ name ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
expToHaskell (ELit (Vec typ)) = vecToHaskell typ
expToHaskell (ELit (Vec2 kind typ)) = vec2ToHaskell kind typ
expToHaskell (EApp a b) = "(" ++ expToHaskell a ++ ")(" ++ expToHaskell b ++ ")"
expToHaskell (EOp _ _ _) = error "expToHaskell not defined for EOp"
expToHaskell (EAbs name exp) = "(\\ " ++ name ++ " -> " ++ expToHaskell exp ++ ")"
expToHaskell (ELet name exp body) = "(let " ++ name ++ " = " ++ expToHaskell exp ++ " in " ++ expToHaskell body ++ ")"

-- Convert type of Vec to Haskell expression (nested maps)
-- Type will always be of the form (a -> b) -> (x -> y)
vecToHaskell typ@(CType _ (TFun (TFun a b) (TFun x y))) = "(id" ++ concat (replicate (nesting x) ".fmap") ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
where nesting t | t == a = 0
| TList t' <- t = 1 + nesting t'
| otherwise = error "Illegal type for Vec"

-- Convert type of Vec2 to Haskell expression (nested zips)
-- Type will always be of the form (a -> b -> c) -> (x -> y -> z)
vec2ToHaskell kind typ@(CType _ (TFun (TFun a (TFun b c)) (TFun x (TFun y z)))) =
"(" ++ nesting x y ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
where nesting t1 t2 | t1 == a, t2 == b = "id"
| TList t1' <- t1, t2 == b = nesting t1' t2 ++ ".func_lmap"
| t1 == a, TList t2' <- t2 = nesting t1 t2' ++ ".func_rmap"
| TList t1' <- t1, TList t2' <- t2 = nesting t1' t2' ++ (if kind then ".func_zip'" else ".func_zip")
| otherwise = error $ "Illegal type for Vec2: " ++ show typ
135 changes: 0 additions & 135 deletions Expr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
module Expr where

import Debug
import Data.List (intercalate)

-- Labels for type and expression variables
type TLabel = String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,143 +82,9 @@ data TClass = Vect Type Type Type Type
| Concrete Type
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- Possible results for enforcing a typeclass
data Enforce = Enforce {otherCons :: [TClass], -- "simpler" typeclass constraints
otherUnis :: [(Type, Type)]} -- types to be unified

-- Find a nesting depth at which list-nested t1 equals t2
eqDepth :: Type -> Type -> Maybe Int
eqDepth t1 t2 | t1 == t2 = Just 0
eqDepth (TList t1) (TList t2) = eqDepth t1 t2
eqDepth t1 (TList t2) = succ <$> eqDepth t1 t2
eqDepth _ _ = Nothing

-- Find a nesting depth at which list-nested t1 could possibly be unified with t2
uniDepth :: Type -> Type -> Maybe Int
uniDepth t1 t2 | unifiable t1 t2 = Just 0
where unifiable (TVar _) _ = True
unifiable _ (TVar _) = True
unifiable t1@(TConc _) t2@(TConc _) = t1 == t2
unifiable (TPair l1 r1) (TPair l2 r2) = unifiable l1 l2 && unifiable r1 r2
unifiable (TList t1) (TList t2) = unifiable t1 t2
unifiable (TFun a1 r1) (TFun a2 r2) = unifiable a1 a2 && unifiable r1 r2
unifiable _ _ = False
uniDepth (TList t1) (TList t2) = uniDepth t1 t2
uniDepth t1 (TList t2) = succ <$> uniDepth t1 t2
uniDepth _ _ = Nothing

-- Check typeclass constraint, return constraints and unifications to be enforced
-- "Nothing" means the constraint failed
holds :: TClass -> Maybe Enforce
holds c@(Concrete (TVar _)) = Just $ Enforce [c] []
holds (Concrete (TConc _)) = Just $ Enforce [] []
holds (Concrete (TList t)) = holds (Concrete t)
holds (Concrete (TPair t1 t2)) = do
Enforce h1 _ <- holds (Concrete t1)
Enforce h2 _ <- holds (Concrete t2)
return $ Enforce (h1 ++ h2) []
holds (Concrete (TFun _ _)) = Nothing

holds c@(Vect t1 t2 s1 s2)
| s1 == t1, s2 == t2 = Just $ Enforce [] []
| Nothing <- uniDepth t1 s1 = Nothing
| Nothing <- uniDepth t2 s2 = Nothing
| Just n <- eqDepth t1 s1 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t2 !! n, s2)]
| Just n <- eqDepth t2 s2 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t1 !! n, s1)]
| otherwise = Just $ Enforce [c] []

holds c@(Vect2 t1 t2 t3 s1 s2 s3)
| TList _ <- t1 = Nothing
| TList _ <- t2 = Nothing
| TFun _ _ <- t1 = Nothing
| TFun _ _ <- t2 = Nothing
| TFun _ _ <- t3 = Nothing -- Lists and functions are not bi-vectorizable for now
| s1 == t1, s2 == t2, s3 == t3 = Just $ Enforce [] []
| Nothing <- uniDepth t1 s1 = Nothing
| Nothing <- uniDepth t2 s2 = Nothing
| Nothing <- uniDepth t3 s3 = Nothing
| Just n1 <- eqDepth t1 s1,
Just n2 <- eqDepth t2 s2 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t3 !! max n1 n2, s3)]
| Just n1 <- eqDepth t1 s1,
Just n3 <- eqDepth t3 s3,
n1 < n3 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t2 !! n3, s2)]
| Just n2 <- eqDepth t2 s2,
Just n3 <- eqDepth t3 s3,
n2 < n3 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t1 !! n3, s1)]
| otherwise = Just $ Enforce [c] []

-- Default typeclass instances, given as unifiable pairs of types
defInst :: TClass -> [(Type, Type)]
defInst (Concrete t) = [(t, TConc TNum)]
defInst (Vect t1 t2 s1 s2) = [(s1, iterate TList t1 !! max 0 (n2 - n1)),
(s2, iterate TList t2 !! max 0 (n1 - n2))]
where Just n1 = uniDepth t1 s1
Just n2 = uniDepth t2 s2
defInst (Vect2 t1 t2 t3 s1 s2 s3)
| n1 >= n2 = [(s1, iterate TList t1 !! max 0 (n3 - n1)),
(s2, iterate TList t2 !! n2),
(s3, iterate TList t3 !! max 0 (n1 - n3))]
| otherwise = [(s1, iterate TList t1 !! n1),
(s2, iterate TList t2 !! max 0 (n3 - n2)),
(s3, iterate TList t3 !! max 0 (n2 - n3))]
where Just n1 = uniDepth t1 s1
Just n2 = uniDepth t2 s2
Just n3 = uniDepth t3 s3

-- Type of expression with universally quantified variables
data Scheme = Scheme [TLabel] CType
deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Scheme where
show (Scheme vs t) = concatMap (\name -> "forall " ++ name ++ ".") vs ++ show t

-- Convert type to Haskell code
typeToHaskell :: Type -> String
typeToHaskell (TVar name) = name
typeToHaskell (TConc TNum) = "TNum"
typeToHaskell (TConc TChar) = "Char"
typeToHaskell (TConc TNil) = "()"
typeToHaskell (TList t) = "[" ++ typeToHaskell t ++ "]"
typeToHaskell (TPair s t) = "(" ++ typeToHaskell s ++ "," ++ typeToHaskell t ++ ")"
typeToHaskell (TFun s t) = "(" ++ typeToHaskell s ++ " -> " ++ typeToHaskell t ++ ")"

-- Convert typeclass constraint to Haskell code
consToHaskell :: TClass -> String
consToHaskell (Concrete t) = "Concrete " ++ typeToHaskell t
consToHaskell (Vect t1 t2 s1 s2) = "Num Int" -- Dummy value
consToHaskell (Vect2 t1 t2 t3 s1 s2 s3) = "Num Int" -- Dummy value

-- Convert classed type to Haskell code
cTypeToHaskell :: CType -> String
cTypeToHaskell (CType [] typ) = typeToHaskell typ
cTypeToHaskell (CType cons typ) = "(" ++ intercalate "," (map consToHaskell cons) ++ ") => " ++ typeToHaskell typ

-- Convert expression to Haskell code
expToHaskell :: Exp (Lit CType) -> String
expToHaskell (EVar name) = name
expToHaskell (ELine n) = "line" ++ show n
expToHaskell (ELit (Value name typ)) = "(" ++ name ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
expToHaskell (ELit (Builtin name typ)) = "(func_" ++ name ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
expToHaskell (ELit (Vec typ)) = vecToHaskell typ
expToHaskell (ELit (Vec2 kind typ)) = vec2ToHaskell kind typ
expToHaskell (EApp a b) = "(" ++ expToHaskell a ++ ")(" ++ expToHaskell b ++ ")"
expToHaskell (EOp _ _ _) = error "expToHaskell not defined for EOp"
expToHaskell (EAbs name exp) = "(\\ " ++ name ++ " -> " ++ expToHaskell exp ++ ")"
expToHaskell (ELet name exp body) = "(let " ++ name ++ " = " ++ expToHaskell exp ++ " in " ++ expToHaskell body ++ ")"

-- Convert type of Vec to Haskell expression (nested maps)
-- Type will always be of the form (a -> b) -> (x -> y)
vecToHaskell typ@(CType _ (TFun (TFun a b) (TFun x y))) = "(id" ++ concat (replicate (nesting x) ".fmap") ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
where nesting t | t == a = 0
| TList t' <- t = 1 + nesting t'
| otherwise = error "Illegal type for Vec"

-- Convert type of Vec2 to Haskell expression (nested zips)
-- Type will always be of the form (a -> b -> c) -> (x -> y -> z)
vec2ToHaskell kind typ@(CType _ (TFun (TFun a (TFun b c)) (TFun x (TFun y z)))) =
"(" ++ nesting x y ++ "::" ++ cTypeToHaskell typ ++ ")"
where nesting t1 t2 | t1 == a, t2 == b = "id"
| TList t1' <- t1, t2 == b = nesting t1' t2 ++ ".func_lmap"
| t1 == a, TList t2' <- t2 = nesting t1 t2' ++ ".func_rmap"
| TList t1' <- t1, TList t2' <- t2 = nesting t1' t2' ++ (if kind then ".func_zip'" else ".func_zip")
| otherwise = error $ "Illegal type for Vec2: " ++ show typ
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Husk.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Infer
import Parser
import InputParser
import Codepage
import Codegen
import FileQuoter
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Console.GetOpt
Expand Down
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions Infer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,89 @@ import Data.List (nub)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad (when, guard)

-- Possible results for enforcing a typeclass
data Enforce = Enforce {otherCons :: [TClass], -- "simpler" typeclass constraints
otherUnis :: [(Type, Type)]} -- types to be unified

-- Find a nesting depth at which list-nested t1 equals t2
eqDepth :: Type -> Type -> Maybe Int
eqDepth t1 t2 | t1 == t2 = Just 0
eqDepth (TList t1) (TList t2) = eqDepth t1 t2
eqDepth t1 (TList t2) = succ <$> eqDepth t1 t2
eqDepth _ _ = Nothing

-- Find a nesting depth at which list-nested t1 could possibly be unified with t2
uniDepth :: Type -> Type -> Maybe Int
uniDepth t1 t2 | unifiable t1 t2 = Just 0
where unifiable (TVar _) _ = True
unifiable _ (TVar _) = True
unifiable t1@(TConc _) t2@(TConc _) = t1 == t2
unifiable (TPair l1 r1) (TPair l2 r2) = unifiable l1 l2 && unifiable r1 r2
unifiable (TList t1) (TList t2) = unifiable t1 t2
unifiable (TFun a1 r1) (TFun a2 r2) = unifiable a1 a2 && unifiable r1 r2
unifiable _ _ = False
uniDepth (TList t1) (TList t2) = uniDepth t1 t2
uniDepth t1 (TList t2) = succ <$> uniDepth t1 t2
uniDepth _ _ = Nothing

-- Check typeclass constraint, return constraints and unifications to be enforced
-- "Nothing" means the constraint failed
holds :: TClass -> Maybe Enforce
holds c@(Concrete (TVar _)) = Just $ Enforce [c] []
holds (Concrete (TConc _)) = Just $ Enforce [] []
holds (Concrete (TList t)) = holds (Concrete t)
holds (Concrete (TPair t1 t2)) = do
Enforce h1 _ <- holds (Concrete t1)
Enforce h2 _ <- holds (Concrete t2)
return $ Enforce (h1 ++ h2) []
holds (Concrete (TFun _ _)) = Nothing

holds c@(Vect t1 t2 s1 s2)
| s1 == t1, s2 == t2 = Just $ Enforce [] []
| Nothing <- uniDepth t1 s1 = Nothing
| Nothing <- uniDepth t2 s2 = Nothing
| Just n <- eqDepth t1 s1 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t2 !! n, s2)]
| Just n <- eqDepth t2 s2 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t1 !! n, s1)]
| otherwise = Just $ Enforce [c] []

holds c@(Vect2 t1 t2 t3 s1 s2 s3)
| TList _ <- t1 = Nothing
| TList _ <- t2 = Nothing
| TFun _ _ <- t1 = Nothing
| TFun _ _ <- t2 = Nothing
| TFun _ _ <- t3 = Nothing -- Lists and functions are not bi-vectorizable for now
| s1 == t1, s2 == t2, s3 == t3 = Just $ Enforce [] []
| Nothing <- uniDepth t1 s1 = Nothing
| Nothing <- uniDepth t2 s2 = Nothing
| Nothing <- uniDepth t3 s3 = Nothing
| Just n1 <- eqDepth t1 s1,
Just n2 <- eqDepth t2 s2 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t3 !! max n1 n2, s3)]
| Just n1 <- eqDepth t1 s1,
Just n3 <- eqDepth t3 s3,
n1 < n3 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t2 !! n3, s2)]
| Just n2 <- eqDepth t2 s2,
Just n3 <- eqDepth t3 s3,
n2 < n3 = Just $ Enforce [] [(iterate TList t1 !! n3, s1)]
| otherwise = Just $ Enforce [c] []

-- Default typeclass instances, given as unifiable pairs of types
defInst :: TClass -> [(Type, Type)]
defInst (Concrete t) = [(t, TConc TNum)]
defInst (Vect t1 t2 s1 s2) = [(s1, iterate TList t1 !! max 0 (n2 - n1)),
(s2, iterate TList t2 !! max 0 (n1 - n2))]
where Just n1 = uniDepth t1 s1
Just n2 = uniDepth t2 s2
defInst (Vect2 t1 t2 t3 s1 s2 s3)
| n1 >= n2 = [(s1, iterate TList t1 !! max 0 (n3 - n1)),
(s2, iterate TList t2 !! n2),
(s3, iterate TList t3 !! max 0 (n1 - n3))]
| otherwise = [(s1, iterate TList t1 !! n1),
(s2, iterate TList t2 !! max 0 (n3 - n2)),
(s3, iterate TList t3 !! max 0 (n2 - n3))]
where Just n1 = uniDepth t1 s1
Just n2 = uniDepth t2 s2
Just n3 = uniDepth t3 s3

-- Type substitution: map from type vars to types
type Sub = Map.Map TLabel Type

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