Deblock - Problem to be solved
DeblockFlights is a flights search solution which aggregates flight results initially from 2 different suppliers (CrazyAir and ToughJet). A future iteration (not part of the test) may add more suppliers.
What is required:
Use this GitHub repository as a base to implement the Deblock Flights service that should produce an aggregated result from both CrazyAir and ToughJet. The result should be a JSON response which contains a list of flights ordered by fare which has the following attributes:
Deblock Flights API
Name | Description |
origin | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
destination | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
departureDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE format |
returnDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE format |
numberOfPassengers | Maximum 4 passengers |
Name | Description |
airline | Name of Airline |
supplier | Eg: CrazyAir or ToughJet |
fare | Total price rounded to 2 decimals |
departureAirportCode | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
destinationAirportCode | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
departureDate | ISO_DATE_TIME format |
arrivalDate | ISO_DATE_TIME format |
The service should connect to the both the suppliers using HTTP.
CrazyAir API
Name | Description |
origin | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
destination | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
departureDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE format |
returnDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE format |
passengerCount | Number of passengers |
Name | Description |
airline | Name of the airline |
price | Total price |
cabinclass | E for Economy and B for Business |
departureAirportCode | Eg: LHR |
destinationAirportCode | Eg: LHR |
departureDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME format |
arrivalDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME format |
ToughJet API
Name | Description |
from | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
to | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
outboundDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE format |
inboundDate | ISO_LOCAL_DATE format |
numberOfAdults | Number of passengers |
Name | Description |
carrier | Name of the Airline |
basePrice | Price without tax(doesn't include discount) |
tax | Tax which needs to be charged along with the price |
discount | Discount which needs to be applied on the price(in percentage) |
departureAirportName | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
arrivalAirportName | 3 letter IATA code(eg. LHR, AMS) |
outboundDateTime | ISO_INSTANT format |
inboundDateTime | ISO_INSTANT format |
What you need to provide:
A solution that meets the above requirements.
Clean code using OO design principles
Ensure the code is extensible to multiple suppliers.
There is no need to complete the 100% of the exercise, as long as you show that you are in the right path, you solution is scalable, the testing is good and that you understand OO principles we will be happy.
Use the Java Streams API
Good use of Spring annotations and use of Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Data
Use of ControllerAdvice (or equivalent) for error handling
Implement good unit testing, there is no need for 100% coverage, we want to check your unit testing practices
At least one Spring integration tests, the full happy path. Mock suppliers responses using wiremock, or just mock the method when the supplier retrieves data.
- Please show an appreciation for Parallelism
- Ensure there is request validation (for example use javax.constraints)
- Good use of interfaces. e.g. Supplier hidden behind an interface so adding a new supplier should be relatively easy
Don't do:
- Do NOT over-engineer your solution; keep it simple!
Please clone this project then create your own repository from it. Do not fork/branch this project when creating your solution as it will be visible to other applicants.