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frontend and backend of web app for designing walking tours


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Repository files navigation


This is a tool to make it easier to define regions for the Kyoto VR tour app.


$ npm install
$ npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ and upload some files. Then request them at http://localhost:3000/tour/:name (replace :name with the name you input).


To run the server as a systemd service (recommended), copy editour.service to /lib/systemd/system/. Then use systemctl to control it like so:

# systemctl enable editour
# systemctl start editour

Now systemd will handle starting the server at startup and restarting it if it crashes.


You can also run the server as a daemon using forever.

Edit so that it points to the correct directory where index.js is, then start the server with ./ start and stop it with ./ stop.

Code Formatter

Use the Prettier code formatter when making PRs


We used mocha for testing. Make sure the server is running with npm start first, then run npm test and make sure all tests pass before pushing.

Caution: running the test suite will wipe out all tour zips and temp directories, so don't do it if you have anything important in there

API Documentation

Here is a list of API functions the backend handles. The response is usually a JSON like this:

    "status": 400,
    "message": "Missing or invalid metadata field"

The status is an HTTP status code like 200 or 404, and the message is a string or stringified JSON that contains the data of the response.

GET /edit/:name

Returns the metadata file of the most recent tour with the given name. If successful, it returns a status of 200 and the stringified metadata as the message. If no tour with the given name is found it returns 404, and if the server encounters an internal error while processing the request it returns 500.

GET /tour/:name

This is the only API endpoint for which the response is not a JSON. Instead, the response is the zip file of the most recent version of the tour with the given name. Returns 404 if a tour with the given name isn't found or a 500 if there is an internal server error while processing the request.

GET /tours

Gets a list of unique tours on the server, returning a list of their names as the message of its response. Returns 200 if successful or 500 if there is an internal server error while processing the request.

POST /edit

Used for editing an existing tour. This request should contain the fields tourName, oldName, and metadata, along with any number of files. The server will use the new metadata as well as the old and new files to create a new version of an existing tour. Returns 201 if the tour was edited successfully, 400 if the request was invalid, 404 if the requested tour couldn't be found, or 500 if a server error occurred while processing the request.

POST /upload

Used for uploading a new tour. This request should include a tourName field and a metadata field, along with any number of files. It verifies the uploaded tour and creates a zip for it on the server. Sends a 201 if the tour was created successfully, a 400 if the request is invalid, or a 500 if a server error is encountered.

DELETE /tour/:name

Deletes all versions of the tour with the given name from the server. Returns 200 if successful, along with a message saying how many versions were deleted, 404 if no tour with that name could be found, or 500 if a server error was encountered.