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A library for handling WhatsApp communication via the API


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A library for handling WhatsApp communication via the unofficial WhatsApp API.

This library is in early release and is pending unit tests.

Legal Notice

This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by WhatsApp or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial API written for educational purposes only and should be used at your own risk.

Table of Contents


composer require balfour/whatsapp-client


For further documentation on chat-api, please see

Creating a Client

use Balfour\WhatsApp\WhatsApp;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;

$guzzle = new Client();
$client = new WhatsApp(

Sending a Message

$client->sendMessage('+27111111111', 'This is a test message.');

Sending a File

use Balfour\WhatsApp\File;

$file = new File('', 'my_image.png');

$client->sendFile('+27111111111', $file);

Retrieving Messages

$messages = $client->getMessages();

foreach ($messages as $message) {

// in order to only retrieve messages from a specific message number, you can pass a message number into
// the getMessages() call

$messages = $client->getMessages(12345);

Rebooting the VM


Building a Bot

A full usage example connecting triggers, actions & middleware is available below.


An action is a response which is executed when a trigger or menu option is matched.

The packages comes bundled with the following actions:


This action responds with a message.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;

$action = new SendMessageAction('The weather in Cape Town, South Africa is 14°C.');

// or

$callable = function ($message) {
    // retrieve weather conditions
    $city = 'Cape Town, South Africa';
    $temperature = $myWeatherService->getTemperature($city);
    return sprintf('The weather in %s is %s', $city, $temperature);

$action = new SendMessageAction($callable);


This action responds with a file (or image) attached.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendFileAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\File;

$file = new File('', 'my_image.png');

$action = new SendFileAction($file);


see menus


see menus


see menus


You can build your own actions by creatin a custom class which implements the ActionInterface.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Message;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\WhatsApp;

interface ActionInterface
     * @param WhatsApp $client
     * @param Message $message
    public function execute(WhatsApp $client, Message $message): void;

     * @param Message $message
     * @return string|null
    public function emulate(Message $message): ?string;

Here is an example action which repeats the inbound message.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\ActionInterface;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Message;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\WhatsApp;

class RepeatAndSendMessageAction implements ActionInterface
     * @param Message $message
     * @return string
    protected function getResponse(Message $message): string
        return sprintf('You said: %s', $message->getMessage());
     * @param WhatsApp $client
     * @param Message $message
     * @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
    public function execute(WhatsApp $client, Message $message): void
        $client->sendMessage($message->getPhoneNumber(), $this->getResponse($message));

     * @param Message $message
     * @return string|null
    public function emulate(Message $message): ?string
        return sprintf(
            "Sending message to <%s>:\n\n%s",


A trigger is an inbound keyword or phrase which executes an action.

The following triggers are supported:


The inbound message must be an exact match.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Triggers\StringTrigger;

// when the bot sees "!weather", it will respond with the current temperature
// the default is a case insensitive string comparison
// eg: will match !WEATHER, !weather or !Weather
$trigger = new StringTrigger(
    new SendMessageAction('The weather in Cape Town, South Africa is 14°C.')

// if you want to do a case sensitive match, you can pass in true as the 3rd parameter
$trigger = new StringTrigger(
    new SendMessageAction('The weather in Cape Town, South Africa is 14°C.'),


The inbound message must start with the specified string.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Triggers\StartsWithTrigger;

$trigger = new StartsWithTrigger(
    new SendMessageAction("We'll give you a call shortly!")

// this will match any inbound message which starts with 'call', eg: 'call', or 'call me'
// just like the StringTrigger, the matching is case insensitive by default
// you can force a case sensitive match by passing true as the 3rd parameter


The inbound message must match the given regex pattern.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Triggers\RegexTrigger;

$trigger = new RegexTrigger(
    new SendMessageAction("Hi There!")


Single Menu

This is an example of a single menu.

The menu must be activated using a trigger. (see full example at end)

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\Menu;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\Option;

$options = [
    new Option(
        'Get a random cat fact',
        new SendMessageAction('Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.')
    new Option(
        'Fetch my available balance',
        new SendMessageAction('Your available balance is $10.00.')

$menu = new Menu(
    "Hello! I'm your friendly WhatsApp bot.",
    "You can press # to return to the main menu, or 'quit' to exit the menu.",

// this example returns an error message when the user messages an invalid menu option

$menu = new Menu(
    "Hello! I'm your friendly WhatsApp bot.",
    "You can press # to return to the main menu, or 'quit' to exit the menu.",
    "I don't understand what you mean"

Nested Menus

This is a more complicated example with multiple nested menus.

In order to keep state of which menu the user is currently in, we must use an implemntation of a MenuStateStoreInterface. For testing purposes, this package comes bundled with a InMemoryMenuStateStore; however in the real world, you'll likely want to use a store which persists across multiple php processes, such as a redis cache.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendAndActivateMenuAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\InMemoryMenuStateStore;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\Menu;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\Option;

$menuStateStore = new InMemoryMenuStateStore();

// first, build parent menu without any options
$root = new Menu(
    "Hello! I'm your friendly WhatsApp bot.",
    "You can press # to return to the main menu, or 'quit' to exit the menu."

// now, create weather menu, linking it to parent menu
$weatherOptions = [
    new Option(
        'Cape Town, South Africa',
        new SendMessageAction('The weather in Cape Town, South Africa is 14°C.')
    new Option(
        'Johannesburg, South Africa',
        new SendMessageAction('The weather in Johannesburg, South Africa is 9°C.')

$weatherMenu = new Menu(
    "Please select your city.",
    "You can press # to return to the main menu, @ to return to the previous menu or 'quit' to exit the menu.",

// add options to parent menu
    new Option(
        'Check the weather',
        new SendAndActivateMenuAction($weatherMenu, $menuStateStore)
    new Option(
        'Fetch my available balance',
        new SendMessageAction('Your available balance is $10.00.')


The bot uses middleware to match the inbound message to a trigger or a menu option. These are called ProcessTrigger and ProcessMenuOption respectively.

You can also write your own middleware by creating a class which implements the MiddlewareInterface.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\ActionInterface;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Message;

interface MiddlewareInterface
     * @param Message $message
     * @return ActionInterface|null
    public function getAction(Message $message): ?ActionInterface;

Full Example

This example is copied from the emulate.php script and can be run locally using php emulate.php.

use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendMessageAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Actions\SendAndActivateMenuAction;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Bot;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Emulator;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\InMemoryMenuStateStore;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\Menu;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Menu\Option;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Middleware\ProcessMenuOption;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Middleware\ProcessTrigger;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Triggers\StringTrigger;
use Balfour\WhatsApp\Bot\Triggers\TriggerRegistry;

// create menus
$menuStateStore = new InMemoryMenuStateStore();

// first, build parent menu without any options
$root = new Menu(
    "Hello! I'm your friendly WhatsApp bot.",
    "You can press # to return to the main menu, or 'quit' to exit the menu."

// now, create weather menu, linking it to parent menu
$weatherOptions = [
    new Option(
        'Cape Town, South Africa',
        new SendMessageAction('The weather in Cape Town, South Africa is 14°C.')
    new Option(
        'Johannesburg, South Africa',
        new SendMessageAction('The weather in Johannesburg, South Africa is 9°C.')

$weatherMenu = new Menu(
    "Please select your city.",
    "You can press # to return to the main menu, @ to return to the previous menu or 'quit' to exit the menu.",

// add options to parent menu
    new Option(
        'Check the weather',
        new SendAndActivateMenuAction($weatherMenu, $menuStateStore)
    new Option(
        'Fetch my available balance',
        new SendMessageAction('Your available balance is $10.00.')

// create triggers
$triggers = new TriggerRegistry();

// when we get 'ping', we'll respond 'pong'
$triggers->register(new StringTrigger('ping', new SendMessageAction('pong!')));

// we'll want to bring up our root menu when the user types "menu"
$triggers->register(new StringTrigger('menu', new SendAndActivateMenuAction($root, $menuStateStore)));

// create bot with middleware loaded
$middleware = [
    new ProcessTrigger($triggers),
    new ProcessMenuOption($root, $menuStateStore)
$bot = new Bot($middleware);

// create & run emulator
$emulator = new Emulator($bot);

// if we were running this in the real world, we'll want to process any inbound message through the bot
// eg: when a message is received (via polling or web hook)
// $bot->process($message);


The package includes an emulator script which allows you to test your menu options and triggers without sending real world messages.

You can run the emulator using php emulate.php


A library for handling WhatsApp communication via the API







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