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Zero downtime deploy

Filipp Ozinov edited this page Mar 19, 2017 · 8 revisions

Zero downtime deploy - ability to update nodes without stopping the whole cluster.


Here is the steps required for zero-deployment:

  • Add new methods and mark them with versioned replicated decorator (@replicated(ver=newVer)) instead of a regular one (@replicated). newVer - version of your code. By default all @replicated methods have version 0. So if it's your first update - your version should be 1.
  • If your data structures have any changes - write a migration procedure and set it to config.onCodeVersionChanged. Your migration procedure shouldn't be very heavy. Use it only for cases when changes are light-weighted or there is no other way to perform migration. Sometimes better solution will be to support old and new structures in your methods instead.
  • If you have any changes in existing function arguments or behaviour - leave an old version and write the same function but with the new version. You can remove old version as soon as you switch a cluster to a new version.
  • Deploy a new version of code to all cluster nodes one by one (upload code to node1, restart node1, wait for node1 up, go to next node).
  • Set new version with syncobj_admin utility: syncobj_admin -set_version newVer.


For example, we have a simple key-value storage:

class KVStorage(SyncObj):
    def __init__(self, selfAddress, partnerAddrs):
        super(KVStorage, self).__init__(selfAddress, partnerAddrs)
        self.__data = {}

    def set(self, key, value):
        self.__data[key] = value

    def get(self, key):
        return self.__data.get(key, None)

Simple update

In next version we decided to add ability to remove items. The structure will be the same, no old method behaviour modification required. So we just add another function and mark it with new version:

class KVStorage(SyncObj):
    def __init__(self, selfAddress, partnerAddrs):
        super(KVStorage, self).__init__(selfAddress, partnerAddrs)
        self.__data = {}

    def set(self, key, value):
        self.__data[key] = value

    def pop(self, key):
        self.__data.pop(key, None)

    def get(self, key):
        return self.__data.get(key, None)

Update with migration

Now we decided to add revisions (versions) for all of our keys. There are two possibilities - with data migration or without it. We will start with a version with migration:

class KVStorage(SyncObj):
    def __init__(self, selfAddress, partnerAddrs):
        cfg = SyncObjConf()
        cfg.onCodeVersionChanged = self.runMigration
        super(KVStorage, self).__init__(selfAddress, partnerAddrs, cfg)
        self.__data = {}

    def runMigration(self, verFrom, verTo):
        assert verFrom == 0 and verTo == 1
        newData = {}
        for key, value in self.__data.items():
            newData[key] = (value, 1)
        self.__data = newData

    def set(self, key, value):
        self.__data[key] = value

    def set(self, key, value):
        currVer = self.__data.get(key, (0, 0))[1]
        self.__data[key] = (value, currVer + 1)

    def pop(self, key):
        self.__data.pop(key, None)

    def get(self, key):
        return self.__data.get(key, None)

We made folowing modifications:

  • runMigration function - it converts all our records to a new format.
  • new version of set function with modified behaviour, it will be used as soon as we switch cluster to a new version. We also left the old version of set function, it will be used before cluster performs switch.

Update without migration

In this case we have to support backward compatibility for our data format:

class KVStorage(SyncObj):
    def __init__(self, selfAddress, partnerAddrs):
        super(KVStorage, self).__init__(selfAddress, partnerAddrs)
        self.__data = {}

    def set(self, key, value):
        self.__data[key] = value

    def set(self, key, value):
        currData = self.__data.get(key)
        if isinstance(currData, tuple):
            self.__data[key] = (value, currData[1] + 1)
        elif currData is not None:
            self.__data[key] = (value, 2)
            self.__data[key] = (value, 1)

    def pop(self, key):
        self.__data.pop(key, None)

    def get(self, key):
        currData = self.__data.get(key, None)
        if isinstance(currData, tuple):
            return currData[0]
        return currData
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