This is my attempt to replicate the pipeline used by the Malaria Genomics Consortium for calling single nucleotide variants (SNVs) from paired-end whole-genome sequencing data.
It is a bpipe pipeline adapted from the example VLSCI pipeline for calling variants from WGS data in humans.
The Malaria Gen pipeline follows the GATK best practices guideline and takes as paired FASTQ files.
It extracts the fastq files by read-group and marks adapter sequences. Following the reads for each sample are mapped using bwa mem -M and remerged into one BAM file. Then the usual GATK steps: indel relalignment, duplicate marking, base quality score recalibration are performed. QC steps such as coverage analysis are performed. Variant calling is down for each sample using GATK Haplotype Caller in discovery mode and outputting gVCF files.
The gVCF files are collectively genotyped and variant-quality score recalibration is applied. The VCF is then annotated using snpEff and custom annotations are applied using bcftools. The final VCF consists of biallelic SNPs that are contained in core regions and have VQSLOD > 0. You can alter these settings if you require less sensitivity.
We have included the P.falciparum reference and genome annotations files from MalariaGen. From these files we have constructed the bwa indexes + snpEff databases for mapping and annotation, respecitvely.
For variant calling and annotation, we have included the vcf files from the P.falciparum genetic crosses community project to perform base-quality score recalibration and variant-quality score recalibration. We have also used data from this project to annotate SNPs in hypervariable or subtelomeric regions. We also constructed a list of known drug resistance genes to assess and positions for geographically informative SNPs from Neafsey et. al, 2008.
This pipeline constructs an 'analysis' ready fully annotated VCF file based on cleaning recommendations implemented by the Malaria Genomics Consortium. This VCF file contains custom annotations based on wheter a SNP is party of the Neafsey barcode. We also extract a genomic data storage file for manipulating VCF files in R.
The pipeline is modular so if extra steps are required for your project it is quite easy to implement them as additional grrovy variable.
There are a number of software requirements, which you should ensure are satisfied before running the pipeline. These need to be configured in the file called 'config.groovy'.
At the moment we use the following software in our pipeline
- bwa mem 0.7.10-r789
- PicardTools 1.99
- FastQC
- GATK v3.5
- SnpEff 4.11
- bcftools 1.3
- R 3.2.4 (with SeqArray library installed)
To use the pipeline first install bpipe (version or later) and then simply enter
bpipe run -n 4 pipeline.groovy sample_01_R1.fq.gz sample_02_R2.fq.gz
to run the the pipeline concurrently using four cores. We have also found that for some computationally intensive steps it's worth limiting the availble memory to all processes by reducing MAX_JAVA_MEM.
MAX_JAVA_MEM=4g bpipe run -n 4 pipeline.groovy *.bam
All the genetic crosses, fasta and gff files for this pipeline were obtained from Malaria Gen Pf3k v5 pilot data. PFalciparum -