A Flutter-based alarm app created as part of a technical test assignment.
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/baharudin-yusup
- Flutter stable (3.x.x)
- Android SDK: 21 - 33 (Lollipop - Android 13)
- iOS: 9 - 15
- Supports Material Design 3 (Material You) including dynamic color themes
- Users can view waiting time statistics when a notification is touched
- Notifications work even when the app is closed
- Users can set alarms by moving the clock hands
- View the next upcoming alarm
- View today's alarms
- View all saved alarms
- Add multiple alarms
- flutter_bloc & equatable: For implementing Bloc state management
- flutter_local_notifications & permission_handler: For notification functionality
- dynamic_color & device_info_plus: For dynamic color themes (Android 12 and above)
- timezone: For retrieving local time (optional)
- shared_preferences: For saving alarm data locally
- uuid: For generating unique IDs
- intl: For date formatting
- syncfusion_flutter_charts: For displaying bar charts
- rxdart: For simplifying streaming operations