This project is not longer being actively maintained, however, PR's are still welcome!
The purpose of this script is to automatically verify Apple ID's after creation.
This project exist to be used in conjuction with Apple ID creation scripts, it's purpose is to automatically verify the emails sent after creating the Apple ID's. In the past this had to be done by hand, which is fairly time consuming.
The project only requires that you have python 3.4 or greater installed. After that, download the project, navigate to it's directory and run:
python example.csv
Example.csv is a csv file containing the Apple ID's and and password, it is expected to be in the format:
[email protected],email_password,id_password
[email protected],email_password,id_password
[email protected],email_password,id_password
This will only work with accounts that use gmail servers.
A common issue users have is that they create all these Apple ID's and the verification links will expire, this script will detect if a link is expired and automatically request a new one. When this happens the script will let you know. Simply run the script at a later time, the reason for this is to give apple time to resend the verification email.