This repository is all about creating a Kotlin workshop for the good people of Webstep.
The workshop is composed of several parts, in which every part contains examples of the current topic and an exercise. The exercise is described in a file, surprisingly named exercise.kt where the workshop victims are asked to implement some classes, function etc. Tests, which can be found in the test folder of the project, test that one has implemented the exercises correctly and will turn green ones these goals are acheived.
You can run tests using:
- your IDE (I'm assuming you use Intellij but, hey, it's really your choice)
gradle test
if you have gradle installed on your computer./gradlew test
(on mac or linux) orgradlew.bat test
(on Windows) if you don't have gradle installed on your computer
The repository has two branches: solution and exercise. Use the default one, exercise, in the workshop. If you get stuck, you can take a look at the solution branch to get some inspiration.
Need more inspiration? Take a look at all the documentation found in the Kotlin web site, learn about it or try solving the Kotlin Koans from which this workshop has got lots of inspiration.
Finally, if you have any questions, don't hasitate creating an issue in this repository.