Super fast hand rank evaluator for Texas hold'em poker written in Rust
- ~1.2G eval/s sequential @Ryzen 9 5950X single-threaded
- Use small lookup tables (about 212KB)
- No external dependencies
- Well-tested
holdem-hand-evaluator = { git = "" }
use holdem_hand_evaluator::{get_hand_category, Hand};
fn main() {
// card ID: 0-3 => 2c2d2h2s, 4-7 => 3c3d3h3s, ..., 48-51 => AcAdAhAs
// construct hand one by one
// argument of add_card() must be in range [0, 51] and must not be duplicated
// (there are no error checks)
let mut hand1 = Hand::new();
hand1 = hand1.add_card(2); // 2h
hand1 = hand1.add_card(3); // 2s
hand1 = hand1.add_card(5); // 3d
hand1 = hand1.add_card(7); // 3s
hand1 = hand1.add_card(11); // 4s
hand1 = hand1.add_card(13); // 5d
hand1 = hand1.add_card(17); // 6d
// construct hand from slice (also there are no error checks)
let hand2 = Hand::from_slice(&[19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43]); // 6s7s9d9sJdQdQs
// construct hand from String
let hand3 = "AhKhQhJhTh8c6d".parse::<Hand>().unwrap();
// evaluate() function computes the hand rank (stronger hand yields higher value)
// only supports 5-7 card hand (again there are no error checks)
assert!(5 <= hand1.len() && hand1.len() <= 7);
let rank1 = hand1.evaluate();
assert!(5 <= hand2.len() && hand2.len() <= 7);
let rank2 = hand2.evaluate();
assert!(5 <= hand3.len() && hand3.len() <= 7);
let rank3 = hand3.evaluate();
println!("rank1: {}", rank1); // 16385
println!("category1: {:?}", get_hand_category(rank1)); // Straight
println!("rank2: {}", rank2); // 8772
println!("category2: {:?}", get_hand_category(rank2)); // TwoPair
println!("rank3: {}", rank3); // 32777
println!("category3: {:?}", get_hand_category(rank3)); // StraightFlush
The main routine, evaluate() function, consists of only about 10 lines of code, so please read it first. There are several magic constants used; how they are generated is explained in scripts/
Sources in scripts directory generate constants used in assets directory.
$ cargo run -p holdem-hand-evaluator-scripts --bin 01-offset_table --release
$ cargo run -p holdem-hand-evaluator-scripts --bin 02-lookup_tables --release
$ cargo test --release
$ cargo test -p holdem-hand-evaluator-scripts --release
$ cargo bench