BlueStack Unity Demo is a project to showcase all the functionalities that BlueStack Unity SDK provides for both iOS and Android platform.
- Use Unity 2020 or higher
- Android
- Minimum Android API level of 21 or higher
- Target Android API level 31 or higher
- iOS
- Xcode 15.3 or higher
- iOS 12.2 or higher
- CocoaPods
Follow the steps listed below to ensure your project includes the BlueStack SDK.
Add scoped registries in
Edit -> Project Settings -> Package Manager -> Add Scoped Registry
Add npm registry for BlueStack
Name: Azerion URL: Scope(s): com.azerion.bluestack
BlueStack Unity package has a indirect dependency of EDM4U which need to be resolved using UPM.
Name: URL: Scope(s):
{ "dependencies": { "com.azerion.bluestack": "3.0.0" } }
BlueStack Unity plugin maintains native BlueStack SDK version compatibility. To accomplish this BlueStack Unity plugin is distributed with the EDM4U. It provides Unity plugins the ability to declare dependencies(Android specific libraries (e.g., AARs) or iOS CocoaPods), which are then automatically resolved and copied into your Unity project.
Note: The BlueStack Unity plugin dependencies are listed in Packages/com.azerion.bluestack/Editor/BlueStackDependencies.xml file.
BlueStack SDK mediation feature enable you to server ads from multiple sources including Madvertise and third-party ad networks.
Note: To load ads from third party ad networks, you will have to first configure each ad network for your app on BlueStack console.
BlueStack setings allows you to configure mediation networks. To open the setings, select Azerion > BlueStack > Settings
from the menu.
- You can insert AdMob App ID here for both iOS and Android platforms.
- You can choose your prefered mediation networks from the list. Currently this option is available for only iOS platform.