NINJAMCast Includes WDL Framework, ready to compile on Ubuntu 14.04
Hello, this works and compiles on Ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS 64bits Didn't test on other systems.
All kudos to Cockos, and particularly Justin, Brennan and All ppl who contributed to do this.
I just did a workable makefile, and modified some variables in the njclient.cpp file.
You'll need the following libs and packages installed for it to compile correctly:
gcc-4.3-multilib lib32ncurses5 lib32ncurses5-dev libasound2 libasound2-dev libvorbis libvorbis0a libvorbisenc2 lib ogg lib mp3lame
I may have forgot some packages, check the errors and fix it.
To compile ninjamcast go to ninjam/ninjamcast and then type make. Ignore the warnings. Then do read the example cfg and set it up.
Have fun.