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This repository contains source code of our ACL 2021 paper **Data Programming using Semi-Supervision and Subset Selection**

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Refer to SPEAR Library for well documented implemenation of this paper.


This code has been developed with

  • python 3.6
  • numpy 1.17.4
  • torch 1.1.0

Data Description

The dataset directory contains dataset for the following 3 datasets:

  • IMDB

To download following datasets, please go to the following link ( and keep them inside Data/ directory

data/IMDB (or any other data dir) consists following four pickle files

  • d_processed.p (d set: labeled data )
  • U_processed.p (U set: unlabeled data)
  • test_processed.p (test data)
  • NOTE U_processed.p for YOUTUBE and MITR is unavailable on GitHub due to larger size. You can download entire data dir from this link

Following objects are dumped inside each pickle file

  • x : feature representation of instances
    • shape : [num_instances, num_features]
  • l : Class Labels assigned by rules
    • shape : [num_instances, num_rules]
    • class labels belong to {0, 1, 2, .. num_classes-1}
    • l[i][j] provides the class label provided by jth rule on ith instance
    • if jth rule doesn't cover ith instance, then l[i][j] = num_classes (convention)
    • in snorkel, convention is to keep l[i][j] = -1, if jth rule doesn't cover ith instance
  • m : Rule coverage mask
    • A binary matrix of shape [num_instances, num_rules]
    • m[i][j] = 1 if jth rule cover ith instance
    • m[i][j] = 0 otherwise
  • L : Instance labels
    • shape : [num_instances, 1]
    • L[i] = label of ith instance, if label is available i.e. if instance is from labeled set d
    • Else, L[i] = num_clases if instances comes from the unlabeled set U
    • class labels belong to {0, 1, 2, .. num_classes-1}
  • d : binary matrix of shape [num_instances, 1]
    • d[i]=1 if instance belongs to labeled data (d), d[i]=0 otherwise
    • d[i]=1 for all instances is from d_processed.p
    • d[i]=0 for all instances in other 3 pickles {U,validation,test}_processed.p
  • r : A binary matrix of shape [num_instances, num_rules]
    • r[i][j]=1 if jth rule was associated with ith instance
    • Highly sparse matrix
    • r is a 0 matrix in all the pickles except d_processed.p
    • Note that this is different from rule coverage mask "m"
    • This matrix defines the coupled rule,example pairs.


  • Run respective .sh files to train the model
  • To run semi-supervised model of youtube - run
  • Each sh file contains calls to various combinations of loss functions.


This repository contains source code of our ACL 2021 paper **Data Programming using Semi-Supervision and Subset Selection**




