CocoaPods: sudo gem install cocoapods
XCode: Install from app store
Mac computer
iPhone (I don't know how high the version needs to be, but I know the vibration API won't work on an iPhone 7 or earlier)
Lightning cable to connect iphone to computer
- Clone the repository to your computer:
git clone
- Install pods:
cd ./iALT-iOS && pod install
- Open project file with XCode:
open ./iALT.xcworkspace
- Under "Targets -> Signing & Capabilities" you need to change the "Team". If no teams are available, you need to make one. Pretty sure this is managed via an iCloud account, which you can make for free pretty easily.
- Plug in your iPhone.
- In the top left there's a play button, to the right of that is a drop down menu, click it and find the iPhone you just connected (not the simulators).
- Either press "play" button or "Cmd+r" to run.